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Harbor Ward

Port Nyanzaru's harbor can accommodate ships of all sizes. The enclosed, eastern portion of the harbor is reserved for the use of the merchant princes, but the rest of the docks are available for use by any ship.           Royal Docks   The term “royal” dates back to the age when Chult was ruled by true kings and queens instead of merchants. Now these docks are reserved for the exclusive use of the merchant princes and those diplomats, dignitaries, and influential foreign merchants whom the merchant princes want to flatter with privilege or impress with magnificence.       Statue

The statue at the center of the harbor represents an ancient Chultan king in full regalia, resplendent in a loincloth of leopard skin and a headdress of feathers, shells, and tyrannosaurus teeth; draped in a cape of girallon fur and monkey tails; and wielding the traditional oval shield and yklwa of Chult. Residents call it Na N’buso, the Great King.   The statue isn’t nearly as ancient as the mythic king it portrays. It was erected just five years ago, at a time when Port Nyanzaru was flexing its new mercantile muscle, to impress on foreigners that Chult is an independent land with a glorious history. Few who see it fail to get the message.   Harbormaster’s Office   Outside of the harbormaster’s office is a bulletin board that provides the names and whereabouts of several wilderness guides. The harbormaster is a half-gold dragon named Zindar. He’s seldom in this sturdy, airy building, however; most of his time is spent dealing with the hundreds of disputes, traffic jams, and other minor problems that crop up every day on a busy quayside. Zindar finds that his imposing personal presence gets issues resolved more quickly and more to his satisfaction than any number of subordinates can accomplish. Clerks in the office seldom know exactly where Zindar is at any time, but messages can be left for him.     Lighthouse   A flame burns atop the lighthouse day and night to guide ships through darkness, fog, and rain to the harbor. Various powders can be added to the fire to create thick columns of colored smoke that can be seen from Fort Beluarian and from the mines along the Bay of Chult.   Fort Nyanzaru   The fort contains a winch for raising and lowering an immense iron chain stretched between the fort and the lighthouse. When the chain is raised, no ship can sail into or out of the harbor. The chain hasn’t been raised against attackers in decades, but it’s used occasionally to prevent a ship from slipping out of the harbor with criminals or contraband on board. The fort also mounts two ballistas that can launch heavy bolts or canisters of alchemist’s fire.   Warehouse District   Goods of every type being shipped into or out of Port Nyanzaru are stored in these warehouses. Canals are cut between the rows of warehouses, allowing ships to be towed by harnessed dinosaurs directly to the desired warehouse for easier loading and unloading. A large ship can easily block a canal, so good traffic management is required; that’s one of the harbormaster’s responsibilities.   Dry Dock   Port Nyanzaru isn’t famous for building ships, but many vessels that come here wind up needing hull repairs — especially those that had run-ins with typhoons, pirates, or Aremag the Dragon Turtle. It’s easy work for dinosaurs to drag ships out of the water into the drydock so holes can be patched and barnacles scraped off.

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