The Taisech is the title given to the Chief of a Kæl. The Bryndffolk are not a rigid heirarchial structure like the Old Xjinn Empire, or the present-day Irex. As such, each community in the Bryndlands is mostly independent of it's neighbors, conducting trade, negotiating conflicts, communicating among one another, etc.. without much direction from the Rígh (king) of the Ríogh they belong to.
The role of Taisech is more than simply a title given to a ruler. Taisech is bestowed upon an individual by a Druid of the Druí Roth Mohr through the ritual of the Talún Gaes which also binds the Taisech to the people and the land of the community.
Grounds for Removal/Dismissal
If a Taisech angers or offends the spirits of the land to such a degree that the land itself rejects their bond. The offensive Taisech can be removed if the Druí Rath Mohr perform the Æseath ritual. The ritual breaks the bond between an unworthy Taisech and the land they rule. Without that bond, the land cannot prosper.
An unworthy Taisech is not the same as a weak Taisech suffering with the land, or the land suffering with a weak Taisech. A Taisech can grow weak through any number of circumstances, injury, illness, curse, losing their dominion over their people and land. A weak Taisech can grow strong again through good govenance of their people and good dominion over their land. However a Taisech who is deemed unworthy by the spirits of their land has had their fundamental nature exposed.
An unworthy Taisech does not possess the virtue of selfless service to their land nor their people. Maybe they rob the land of it's bounty and hoard it for their own personal enrichment, perhaps they abuse their people, ruling them as a tyrant, perhaps they hold trechary in their heart, betraying thieir lands and peoples to the gods and powers of Cosmic Law or Chaos, rejecting the natural balance of the world.