Vakran (VAK-ran)

From the northern shores of the Marakhor Sea, the Vazdeg built extensive estates and small communities. These early settlements quickly evolved into a powerful realm of sorcery, Vakra.

The Vazdeg could trace their lineage back to their Ærakh, the Storm Queen. Sorcery for them, was born into their very being, working magic was as simple as talking, or standing upright. Sorcery was their technology, and the lands within their realm, Vakra became saturated with the energies of magic.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Names Vakra were written in a string of three to six Hard syllables. Sages theorize the syllables were spoken with equal emphasis. "Tor-Va-De", "Bet-Rik-Get-Rek".


Major language groups and dialects

Vakran was the primary language spoken and written. There was significant fluency in Hming Xia, since both civilizations had a great deal of contact with one another. Since the fall of Vakra, Vakran has become a dead language, sometimes echoed in various Tralspek dialects and surviving in Vakran artifacts which have endured through the ages.

Average technological level

The Vazdeg achieved a mastery of magic and Sorcery that is unrivaled. Before they invoked the cataclysm which caused their fall, the might of Vakra rivaled that of the Gods.

Historical figures

Ka-Bax-Tag-Vak-Rex, who was the last recorded Sovereign of Vakra and ruled during its Fall.


Relationship Ideals

The longevity of the Vazdeg did not lend itself to monogamous, lifelong, romantic bonds. Parental Vazdeg would raise the children they created (usually only one or two, very rarely more) as a family, but after the youngest child reached their adulthood, these marraiges would often dissolve and the Vazdeg would find new partners, or spend time in social isolation. Familial relationships between parents, grandparents and children would last for a lifetime, though as individuals aged, the generational distinctions between people would become less and less important over the centuries-long maturity of these people.
The most important relationships among Vakran citizens were those of mentors and apprentices. While not romantic, mentorships were often the principal source of emotional support, affection, and social health for Vakran citizens.
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species


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