Arnavun Wolfshout

Arnavun Wolfshout, an Aasimar born to Baelor and Chiara Wolfshout, is an aspiring mage. Throughout his life, he has always been enamored with the weave and will risk many things to understand it better.

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The Day of the Protest
2nd of Ruanost, 98 SE

What a fucking day it's been. First thing we did was head to the Hall of Justice in order to figure out more about that dead guy we found yesterday. The prince was real adamant about that. When we got there they tried to give us the runaround as beaurocrats do. Fuckers can never seem to give straight answers. We eventually talked to the dead man's boss. Magistrer Swiftgale was her name. She was alright enough, but she didn't seem to have any idea about the man or what the hell he was doing. Terrible boss if you ask me. She gave us the contacts of all the folks that he worked with around the Hall but most of them were no help. His office was a fuckin mess too. She said it's never like that but I don't really believe her. We looked around the place and the rogue dude found this real odd coin behind a map of the city. Real spooky thing, that coin. I asked around the office about it but no one knew what it was or had seen anything like it before. Well no one except maybe the Sage that deals with Magical Forensics. No such thing as a coincidence, I say. We heard he may be at the protest going down in Xian square so we headed over there and the fucking racist fucks fucking came right at us! I tried to be nice about things and put them to sleep instead of killing them but the other folks I was with didn't seem to have the same sensibilities. That human feller turned into a damned dire wolf. Definitely put him on my radar now. That's just the type of magic I need to get my hands on. We dispatched the mob quick enough and the constables showed up soon enough. They asked their questions and all and then we headed back to Ellies. Forgot to mention she granted us free room and board at her inn since we joined their little club. I'll get her to teach me some of that magic I tell ya. One of these days.

Adventure Guild Day 1
1st of Ruanoth, 98 SE

I was invited to join a party at Ellie's Tavern down in Old Town. The invite was strange. A messenger just showed up while I was at the library and seemed to know who I was. Must be something to do with the work I did with Timekeeper a while back. Same vibe. Anyways, he and I met up with some other characters. One was as shifty feller, looked like he was keen to keep his distance. Another was a goddamned bugbear, but he seemed to be real friendly with a half elf lady. Strange enough, he seemed smarter than your average bugbear, but still none too bright. Then there was a human man who was of no significance to me. We all went in and met Ellie, real looker that one. She has a pale glow to her and I sense a power in those eyes. She led us down to this root system and boy I ain't never seen nothing like it. Crazy twists and turns but she seemed to know where she was going. We got to this room with a bunch of food on the table and it smelled real good. She told us to eat up and then get on with our quest so we did just that. I didn't eat nothing but Timekeeper didn't seem to enjoy his meal. Not my problem. We all had these coins and I saw some words above the exit door about how to leave. We figured it out and went into the maze of roots. After a bit we found a room with a locked door. Timekeeper, the dumb fuck, went and tried to shake the damned thing open! A bunch of us ended up getting turned into little mice sized folks. Real annoying fuckin time. After a bit we got our regular sizes back and kept on through the root system. Next room we went into had a bunch of kobolds and a drunk fool. That guy was a real piece of work. We ended up having to kill a bunch of them. I'm not a soft man by no means, but I never like to kill folks that can be of use to me. Life's too short to be wasting it like that. Timekeeper had the bright idea to interrogate a few of the kobolds, but they didn't know shit. We used a speak-to-dead scroll we found on the drunk and he gave us some info about a plot to kill Ellie. I should have copied that into my spellbook but such is life. We finished up and Timekeeper spilled to a gargoyle that he's live a thousand lives and yada yada and then we finally met up with the prince. Prince had Ellie with him and some dude who's skin was like a rock. Lets call him alabaster man. Alabaster said some spell and then a fuckin body comes through a door. Like a dead body. Old as dirt. His Highness seemed to have issue with this man being dead so now we have a whole ass mission to investigate this death. Guess he was a magister or something, but that's a problem for tomorrow.

The Sage Alden Spellweaver
3rd of Ruanost, 98 SE

Boy oh boy what a fuckin day. So this morning the prince and Gavreal, Mr. alabaster, came to Ellie's to have us give them an update on what we found the past couple days. We told him all about the protesters and shit and he didn't seem too surprised. Seems like things in the nation are really heading towards the shitter. Folks literally being kidnapped right off the street in broad daylight. We went over to the ministry to talk to the magister about that spellweaver feller and instead she interrogated us about the riot. She's such a charmin little thing I tell ya. Really doin a number on me. Anyway after we had a little chat she let us go. No wrongdoing on our part, but we already knew that. She seemed real annoyed around the end though, must have been something Timekeeper said. He always did have a big mouth. He did manage to get that Sage's address though. We headed over there and, I gotta say, I regret some things I did. Damn near lost my life today. We knock all gentle like and the door is clearly open. I peek inside and see a fucking body laying on the floor. We go in and sure enough it seems to be the mage. I hear some chittering and shit coming from upstairs. The bugbear and I go check it out and I swear to fuck I almost shat myself. Hoge fucking swarm of somethings come right at us! I toss a sleep spell its way and the damn thing just purrs with pleasure! I fuckin book it out the door and the swarm blasts right past the bugbear and hops out the window at me! Swear to Celeste it was like I had a homing beacon on me. Foust tried to toss some fire my way but I didn't want none of that. I managed to blast it off me and took a run for it but it was sticking to me like flies on shit. The gang and I did our best to keep it away from us but it just kept coming. Fucking druid turned into a giant frog and tried to swat at the swarm and it didn't help at all. Damn thing even had the audacity to split into two swarms after eating some of that frog's energy! Eventually we whittled it down and killed them all but damn if I don't ever want to do that again. Afterward we went back to the house to see where the fuck the things came from. We found a book with their description but something seemed real illegal about that book so I held on to it. We confirmed that the body was the sage, and soon after found a fuckin mass grave in his basement. Dirty fuck even had some poor kid in there! I had to walk her back to the ministry and left the rest of the gang there at the sage's house. The ministry was closed but I sent some officers to the house to secure the scene while I took the poor kid to Ellie's. She said she was from the slums and we just couldn't make it back their before nightfall, so I figured Ellie's was a safe enough spot. Glad I did too, cuz she sure took a shining to Ellie. Then again who doesn't though. She told us a little more about this "mom" of hers, but turns out that's a damned slumlord. Poor girl is an orphan. Kid even saw the bodies in the basement but didn't seem too pressed. Guess she's had a hard damned life. I don't think we should take her back to the slums to be honest. Just don't feel right to send her back to that place. I'll have to talk to Ellie in the morning and ask if she can adopt the child or something. We gotta be able to help her somehow. Anyway I need to talk to the prince and the magister about this Alden prick. The magister sure didn't seem to want to help us but I'll be damned if she was hiding this from us. I just hope she didn't know, would change things between us.


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