City of Tura


Founded over a millennium ago, Tura was founded on the shores of Lake Deepbour as a simple fishing community having access to some of the best freshwater fishing in the land. However, they quickly became a primary trade hub for grain and produce grown in the fertile fields of the south, as it became safer and quicker to ship them by internal waterways than to take them over land. It didn't hurt that Tura had the deepest river access to the coast.   Today, Tura is the thriving capital city of the Nation of Tura. While its long been the cultural and political center of the kingdom, in the aftermath of the Aethersea disaster, it quickly became the center of trade as well due to its protection from the seas while still having access to them.  

Inner City Layout

Tura is centered around Old Town, which is nestled in the first bend of the river as it exits Lake Deepbour. Old Town houses the Scholars and the core governmental functions of the kingdom. To the south and east it has the Royal and Navy districts, where the Monarch and military are quartered. To the east, there is the Embassy District, where the nations of the world and many major organizations have embassies. Beyond that is the University District, the center of academic and knowledge study in the Kingdom. To the north is Adrian's Hill, where many healers and people of faith are found. Just north of that are the Works - where artisans and crafters live and work. To the west is Xian Square, a primarily residential district where many middle class families call their home. And just south of that is the Trade District, where merchants from the world over come to buy and trade goods.  

The Outer City

Outside of the city walls is commonly referred to as the Outer City, and until the Aethersea disaster, there simply wasn't that much there. However, in the century since, with refugees and immigrants flooding the capital from the coastal cites, other nations, etc. A period of rapid construction of new quarters of the city is in full swing. To the far north, on the northern bank of the river is the Villas, where the Rich of the coastal cities have built themselves lavish dwellings up on a bluff overlooking the city. On the south bank of the river, there is the polar opposite, the Slums are where the poor and dejected have come to set up camp in whatever way they can. Poorly constructed homes, tents, and other makeshift dwellings are common here.   To the west communities like Bade's Folley, and Ember's Cradle grew from small outlying villages to full districts, while refugees from Goldbreach and Moongulf built their own districts between them. To the far west, there's Westbank, which is an overflow from the Trade District and is full of warehouses and logistics buildings.


  • City of Tura
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