Stats, Crunch, etc.


Leveling will be done at storyline intersections, using Milestone leveling.  

Ability Scores

We are using Standard Distribution for our ability scores.  

Spell Components

Material spell Components will only be used in story appropriate situations. So no need to worry about whether you have enough pinches of salt or not!  


We will not worry about rations, ammo, or other similar levels of crunch as long as we are in populated areas. Instead we will pay a certain amount to restock all of our stuff at a long rest and assume our supplies are generally available in any populated area.  

Off Limits Spells / Mechanics

  • Wish
  • True Strike
  • True Polymorph
  • Additional ones by consensus

Natural Rolls

Natural 20's, and natural 1's will respresent the best and worst possible outcomes respectively. They are not necessarily an automatic success or failure. For instance, if you ask the DM if you can roll persuasion to see if you can convince the big bad to just go jump off a cliff and roll a Nat 20, the big bad probably isn't going to do that. Rather, the best possible outcome might be that the big bad is simply amused and doesn't immediately attack you.


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