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Aavonshir (AV-on-sheer)

Demography and Population

A wide range of people inhabit Aavonshir. Founded by Humans, who are the majority of the population, but many different species live here. There is an extreme wealth gap. Major cities are rich, but also have poverty issues in certain areas. Smaller towns and villages are commonly made up of poorer folk. Overall quality of life is good, with the Royal Court seeing that the people are mostly cared for.


Aavonshir has a standing army and navy. All male citizens are required to serve two years in the military from 18-20.

Technological Level

Aavonshir is a leader in infrastructural technology. Beautiful buildings, bridges, etc. Much of their agriculture is worked with state-of-the-art tools and techniques. Though they strive for technological advancement, they often fall behind in scientific advancement, often adapting advances from other countries and continents.


There is no official religion, but the majority follow a monotheistic religion.

Foreign Relations

Aavonshir has built a great relationship with the Elves of Cylashar. They also trade by sea with many countries around the world. They do their best to keep relations positive, but try not to intervene in other's affairs.


Laws a created by the Royal Court and by local councils, and govern all of everyday life. Law books can be found in all libraries and court buildings. Civil and criminal matters are handled by local courts, unless the issue is a matter of the whole kingdom.

Agriculture & Industry

Aavonshir is a mostly agricultural society. Rich farmlands produce bountiful crops. The coasts and lakes bring lots of fishing and whaling. There are some mines in the nearby mountains that produce gems to trade.

Trade & Transport

Aavonshir trades mainly in food and gems with neighboring countries. Exports to many countries around the world are sent from major ports on the west side of the country.


Public education is provided from a young age, around 5, until around 18 years. After that, many choose to pursue further education through private university. Though public schools are funded by the Kingdom, it's easy to see the differences in quality of education between wealthy and poor areas. Most of the poor are, essentially, trained to serve the Kingdom, where richer areas receive a proper education. Regardless of the wealth gap, and the educational gap is causes, Aavonshir is still one of the leading nations in education.


The lager cities of Aavonshir are very modern. Aqueducts, and in some areas, indoor plumbing aren't an uncommon thing. Roads, bridges, and sewer systems are common almost everywhere in the country. Smaller towns may have dirt roads and outhouses.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Gold coin/common currency.
Major Exports
Aavonshir's biggest exports are grains, vegetables, and lumber. Also, seafood is traded to nearby countries.
Major Imports
Primary imports are raw materials for manufacturing, such as ores and oils. There is also a heavy demand for exotic spices which find their way throughout the kingdom.
Legislative Body
Law is handed down by the king and his council. Towns and cities also have their own laws made by governors and their councils. Councils are appointed by local votes.
Judicial Body
Local and Royal courts with judges and juries decide interpretation of laws.
Executive Body
Laws are enforced by the Royal Guard. There are guard stations in every town and city that act much like local police.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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