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Mizzudha (mi-ZUH-da)

Demography and Population

A fairly new Orcish settlement. The population is entirely Orc, however, there is some mingling with nearby Humans. Because this is a new settlement, there aren't a lot of young people. The biggest demographic is Adult men, and women. Some children have been born here recently. Total population is around 800, divided into small villages.


Mizzudha was largely unpopulated, aside from some small Human settlements, which were quickly wiped out. The homeland of Kirukh oversees Mizzudha, but very loosely. Their settlement was presumed to fail from the start, so the homeland doesn't put much thought into Mizzudha.


Each village has a small militia for protection. If needed they could call on the army from Kirukh.

Technological Level

Mizzudha is a very primitive in most respects. Their culture is centered around survival of the fittest. They spend their time mostly on what they need, and little on advancing in other areas. Though the technological level isn't very advanced, they are extremely resourceful, and have learned to use their land in incredible ways.


The Orc's of Kirukh and Mizzudha worship many gods, but closest to them are the gods of war, and the hunt.

Foreign Relations

The settlement was populated by the Country of Kirukh , in order to expand it's borders. With little support from the homeland, many of the Orcs have taken to trading and bartering with the nearby Human country of Aavonshir. A great trade relationship has come from this.


Laws are 100% tribal, and may even differ village to village. Each village council is responsible for setting laws, and carrying out interpretations and punishments. Most common laws were brought over from Kirukh. If matters of law are larger, and go beyond the limits of the village, they would be taken to Kirukh and tried and sentenced there.

Agriculture & Industry

The citizens of Mizzudha made quick work of mining ore in the mountains, and producing metal goods, primarily weapons and armor. With hunting being somewhat more scarce than expected, many people learned to cultivate the land, producing food for themselves, and to send back to Kirukh.

Trade & Transport

Mizzudha is a small, and new community, so there isn't much to export. However, they have started trading ore and small amounts of crops with the humans to the north in Aavonshir. Aavonshir, in building a relationship with the new citizens of Mizzudha, have started exporting many different kinds of crops, and even showing the Orcs how to plant and raise them.


A few of the villages have small, one-room schools set up for educating the children of the settlement. However, most children are educated by their parents at home. There are few educational resources, and most education is centered on survival skills.


There is very little infrastructure to speak of. Simple homes made of wood and thatch. Wells have been dug for water. No plumbing or running water. Tools and workspaces are erected from wood and stone for smithing.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Mixed economy
Barter and Gold coin. Some places may take credit.
Major Imports
With Mizzudha being such a young settlement, most imports are strictly for survival, and building colonies. Things like mining equipment, to help mine ore, many tools and supplies to build infrastructure.
Legislative Body
This tribal society is governed by local chiefs, and ruled over by the nearby homeland of Kirukh .
Judicial Body
Local tribal councils and local chiefs.
Executive Body
Local tribal councils and local chiefs.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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