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Kirukh (ki-ROOK)

Demography and Population

Kirukh is a country comprised almost entirely of Orcs, with some goblin kin making up a portion of the lower class. Orcs here have a lifespan of around 70 years, depending on their profession and quality of life.


Kirukh has been inhabited by Orcs for as long as anyone can remember. Since the Apocalypse, many beast-folk sought refuge among the Orcs and now call Kirukh home.


Kirukh has a single branch military. Comprised of a handful of generals and their colonels, all facets are lead by the Sovereign, who makes all final decisions. There are a few different subgroups in the military. Foot Soldiers, Mounted Soldiers, Crest Soldiers (soldiers at sea), and arcane soldiers. One or all may be deployed depending on the conflict.

Technological Level

Kriukh is mostly primitive, akin to England in the dark ages. Most of their technological study and advancement is in the area of war. They've developed unique weapons and defenses that no one has been able to replicate. Their technological advancements are kept secret and guarded.


Kirukh is a nation built on a single polytheistic religion. Though these gods don't necessarily dominate every day life, worshipping of any other gods is strictly forbidden.

Foreign Relations

Kirukh doesn't rely on foreign powers for much. They try to be as self sufficient as possible. They do some trading in Saffi, and Windsong, and have some strong ties to Biradogh, but largely, they don't play well with others.


Because Kirukh is a large scale tribal system, laws very from settlement to settlement. Laws are loose, and disputes are usually settled person-to-person before they become a legal matter. The laws that stand are strict, and punishment is usually swift and severe.

Agriculture & Industry

In the spirit of never becoming dependent on any other nation or people, Kirukh makes a point to only live on what their lands can provide. Over time, they've become masters of breeding livestock for meat and leather. They're also extremely proficient hunters and survivalists. They mine their own ores, refine them, and use them to manufacture their own tools and weapons. Though seemingly primitive, the people of Kirukh are extremely talented tradespeople.

Trade & Transport

Kirukh is efficient in moving regional goods around the country via trade roads and paths. The need to get certain goods from one area to another drove the need for a good road system. Most roads through unpopulated areas are dirt, though smoothed down to make a more comfortable trip. However, most streets within cities are brick or stone.


Young children are taught to read and write from an early age, and almost as soon, start in survival training. During early adolescence, students are moved to areas that they show proficiency. Some are taught combat, some go into business, or politics, and some go into labor. Education is continued in this specialized fashion until early adulthood, when they become independent.


Kirukh is mostly simple in their infrastructure. Cobblestone roads, and dirt highways between cities and towns. There is no sewage system, but they have a collection/disposal system in place. Water comes from wells and clear streams. Some of the more important buildings are made of stone, but most are wood. The capital city of Drodol has a large fortified stone castle.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Gold is accepted everywhere. Many of the lower class also rely on barter and trade.
Major Exports
Kirukh's exports are small, however, they do trade for some luxury items. Their two biggest exports are iron ore and leather goods.
Major Imports
Though Kirukh doesn't do much business with other nations, some luxury items are imported. Jewelry, fabrics, and some foods are among the top imports. These are reserved for the wealthiest of society, and rarely make their way to lower class citizens.
Legislative Body
The country is ruled over by a king, who has a council of advisors.
Judicial Body
The sovereign ruler hand appoints judges and magistrates to oversee judicial matters. These judges and magistrates are the sole deciders. In the event of a complex matter, they may call in a jury to decide.
Executive Body
Sovereign Guard are appointed by local magistrates to enforce laws.
Neighboring Nations

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