NorthMonty Hospital

NorthMonty Hospital was established in 2021 when several rather successful hospitals decided to merge their operations. At the time the merger was seen as a major violation of anti-trust laws but the hospital systems changed over to a non-profit system that quelled those accusations.   The merger changed the landscape of their area as over six blocks of real-estate was reconfigured to link and combine the hospitals and parking lots into one super structure over the course of decades. Its unique castle like design earned the hospital at the time the nickname, "Bastion of Healing".


Externally the building resembles a medieval castle covered in white, now heavily tarnished, stone. It boasts four square turret towers on the corners and where would normally be a large gate there is simply an opening into the sprawling multi-story deep underground parking facility.    Since the The DoOM have moved in the parking entrance is surrounded by sandbags and other improvised defensive structures. This all designed to leave a single kill box walk path into he underground entry way, which itself is setup as a possible kill box checkpoint.


The outer walls are three feet of rebar reinforced concrete with a foot layer of natural limestone. The walls themselves host some raised firing platforms for small arms and some heavier improvised siege weaponry. The front gates utilize defenses in-depth approach forcing enemies to funnel through fields of small arms fire to even get in direct confrontation from those within.


NorthMonty was a series of business decisions that took a life of its own. The original two hospitals merged due to families inter-marrying which then turned into two competitors doing so, and then they merged with NorthMonty. When the term "Bastion of Healing" was coming the then newly inherited heir to the family that owned the hospital decided to set aside a portion of their operating costs to make it look the part. Lionized while he was alive his own heir inherited a building that had become not only an icon of the region but had begun to be not only a hospital but a tourist and cultural center for the area.
Founding Date
Characters in Location


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