The Braves and Fans

A raider gang that operates out of the tunnels beneath old Turner Field Stadium. What makes them unique is as a raider gang they only practice the violence and barbarism of a raider gang on specific nights they call Game Night. After this event is over they vanish back into the tunnels until the next game night occurs.   The gang prefers an ax melee weapon they collectively call "Da Chop" and attempt to either rob their victims or "scalp them" which seems to vary in its meaning based upon the Brave in question.     The Fans in contrast live in the upper portions of the stadium and use the field as a farm. It is a rumor that is unproven that the Fans are the Braves but few are welcome into the Fan's area long enough to verify it.

Here comes DA CHOP

Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Neighboring Nations


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