The Enclave

The Enclave refers to the state established by powerful elements of the government, military, and corporations controlling the pre-War United States.   The Enclave has patterned itself after the pre-War United States of America, scaling down its structure to match its smaller size. The Enclave is led by a president, elected by the people of the Enclave without a term limit. The president is assisted by a vice president, who together form the executive branch of the government. The Enclave also has a congress, but there is no mention of a judicial branch. Some governmental agencies have also been reformed in the Enclave. The Atomic energy Commission exists but has been scaled down significantly and around 2242 was responsible simply for maintaining the oil rig's nuclear reactor.

God Bless the Enclave and God Bless America

Secret, Government
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Presidential
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Related Species


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