39th Street Cats

The 39th Street cats are one of Westside's 3 most powerful gangs within New Vegas. Led by Calico Jack, the gang's mascot is the line of cats the Jack's family have raised for almost a century. Despite the almost humorous feline theme, the gang is extremely ruthless, and either feared, or respected, by the locals. Controlling everything east of 39th Street, the gang deals in drug dealing, illegal gambling, extortion, murder, mugging and vandalism. Despite how much of Westside fears them, those in their territpry view them as complicated, as they do commit crime, but they also protect the territory from the 40th Street Demons, a group everyone deems far worse.    The gang was founded in 2287 after Jack's brothers were killed by the Demons. Prior to this, they were just a small group of friends who hung out at Calico Jack's Bar. After this, the group began enacting vengeance on Demons in the area, eventually gathering a following, and resorting to crime to fund their growing numbers, and the growing need for resources for these numbers. Eventually, their power would rival their enemy, and by 2298 they would even have a presence at the Westside-Freeside gate, though Vegas Security would keep them at a distance.    Overall the Cats are an extremely dangerous group, who do not tolerate tourists, and regularly kill anyone who crosses them.


Members of the cats are identifiable by the color orange, and a tattoo of a cat paw with "39" in it, usually prominantly displayed. When it comes to equipment They tend to favor submachine guns and molotov cocktails.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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