40th Street Demons

The 40th Street Demons are the most notorious gang in New Vegas, perhaps even all of the Mojave Wasteland. Formed from the regular suitors of Sweetie, the most famous whore in all of Vegas, the group was initially small time. But as their numbers grew, so too did their misdeeds. By 2300 they were responsible for countless murders, assaults, muggings, arsony, vandalism, extortion, and blackmail, all in the name of pure hedonism. The Demons are rarely reined in, making them highly volatile and unpredictable. All together, they are considered the most dangerous group in Vegas, and locals are advised to kill on sight, while tourists are advised to avoid them at all time.   The Demons control 25th street to 37th street, and do not tolerate the 19's or the 39th Street Cats in their territory.   Demons are usually marked by leather jackets with purple tags, some even get purple tattooos or hair dye to display their loyalty.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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