Lesser Shade Species in Fantasme Imagination | World Anvil

Lesser Shade

Lesser Shades are a type of prototype Shade made from the souls of animals rather than humans.

Basic Information


Lesser shades tend to take on the general structure of the animal whose soul it is made from, much like how Shades take on a warped humanoid appearance. Often they will appear as a sharper, more agressive, demonic version of the original creature.   They will have the same dark palette and liquid consistency as other shades, and have much of the same powers and weaknesses. They are much weaker than proper shades as well.   Lesser shade's lack shade hearts, rather they thrive off of much smaller chunks of Voidstone often the scraps left behind from cutting hearts.  


Lesser shades are created much in the same way as normal shades, using pieces of voidstone, merged with Blood Demon essence and the soul of an animal. They serve no purpose in the infrastructure, and rather are the results of Vahit experimenting with shade creation on smaller animals.   Upon their creation, if they are deemed stable enough to function, Vahit will simply release them out into the open The Shadow Realm to roam around as they please.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Though like other shades, lesser shades do not need to eat, more often than not, their instincts will still give them the desire to seek out and consume food. Carnivores will still frequently chase and hunt smaller prey much like how they did when they were alive. They will even go after smaller lesser shades, though this usually ends in dissipating their form, leaving the predator with nothing to eat.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Lesser Shades are primarily used for Vahit to experiment on shades with out wasting any of his own troops. He often keeps several of their 'hearts' in his lab that he uses as guinea pigs for magical testing and pushing the shade form to it's limits.

Average Intelligence

Lesser Shades are not sapient like their humanoid counterparts, and still act like animals. They will act on instinct most of the time, and tend to act aggressive around living creatures. Lesser Shades based on domesticated animals like cats or dogs are notoriously more difficult to train than their living counterparts and are essentially feral.   Lesser Shades will still listen to Vahit if he uses the Tower of Shadows beacon to communicate with them.

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Cover image: by IbbyWondrous


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