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The West Olythia Trading Company

A merchant confederacy originating from the coast of Olythia. They are a young, but ambitious company pursuing several ventures. Members often refer to it as The Commission. The company is a mainly naval enterprise, but they have been eager to make partnerships on the continents.


The Company is run by a board that has executive leadership over the other parts of the confederacy. Merchant Members sign a membership contract. Depending on an evaluation of their assets and capability they are assigned a rank. Those seeking membership with lacking finances can leverage their assets as collateral for membership.   The hierarchy is mainly organized around commissioned leaders who are given authority over specific areas. There are also several departments and initiatives staffed and led by these officers and those underneath them.   The company initially started as a coastal trade combine that spread its influence out to several sea trade routes. The benefits of membership are access to exclusive trade partners and reduced costs on in-network trade goods. They also provide protection for members on the more dangerous trade routes.   Technically, members are free to pursue whatever type of trade they are interested in. There is no restriction on what kind of business they engage in. Naturally, this has opened the door to more adventurous Captains and Franchisees pursuing the trade of unorthodox and - what some consider - restricted goods.
“The West Olythia Trade Company is saddened to learn of these unfortunate isolated incidents. We vow to take responsibility by paying the bail for our wayward employees' crimes, after which we will help them start anew through a special reform program that relocates them to a region more befitting of their skills and history.”    
– Official Statement from the Board of WOTC
Despite the company’s shady reputation, they have a strict prohibition on slavery. Any member caught engaging in such practices swiftly has their commission revoked and is immediately blacklisted.  

Positions & Ranks

Board Member
Board Members have executive oversight over all aspects of the confederacy and their members. There are three board members at any time. Within the Board, there is a Chief Executive Officer who is considered the "head" of the company. The other two board members if united can veto the actions of the chief up to a limit. They have no direct duties and instead administer projects across the confederacy.  
Regional Head
A post assigned to watch over, administer, and grow trade activity in a given region. It's a post that comes with a rather large stipend, but also a great amount of responsibility. All confederacy members traveling in their region are required to obey their orders, but they are also directly responsible for them. They may employ a personal staff to assist with the oversight of activity in their region, but typically they will source assistance from local captains and franchisee's in their area.  
Master of the ships. It should be clarified there is the title of Admiral and also the office of the Admiral which consists of a support staff that manages the responsibility of organizing trade routes and schedules of ships traveling under the confederacies banner. They are also in charge of security regarding these trade routes and ensuring the safety of members.  
Captains who have been officially recognized and entrusted with the leadership of multiple trade ships. Most Commanders operate at a regional level. Typically these merchant fleets are family-run operations and like to bicker. It should be noted that this ranking was created mainly for these Merchant families who refused to be separated into different trade routes. So it is not unusual depending on experience for Commanders and Captains to be afforded the same level of authority.  
Chief Franchise Officer
The terrestrial equivalent of a commander.  
Exactly as you might expect this is the rank awarded to anyone who commands their own vessel. Or is the leader of an independent group and responsible for those underneath them. Though recently this rank has also started to extend to terrestrial leaders of small groups who typically act as caravan guards and leaders.  
Senior Franchisee
A business owner who has been a member in good standing for at least 5 years. Depending on the success of their business there are a few who command as much clout as a Captain, though they are typically less respected for being "soft"  
An officer under the direct command of a Captain or Senior Franchisee. Depending on their affiliated department Lieutenants can have as much authority as a Captain or Commander. Lieutenants under especially esteemed leaders also command respect.  
An official signatory with the West Olythia Trade Company. For a percentage of profit, they have access to exclusive West Olythia Trading Company partners, reduced  
Franchise Partner
Not a direct member, but an affiliate. They do not have full access to all the trade partners or information of the West Olythia Trade Company. But they are placed in a register of merchants and may request deals for specific goods or exchanges.

Public Agenda

The ultimate design of the West Olythia Trade Company is to have members pay for their own upkeep expenses through their membership fees and the percentage cut of profits. The trading scheme is actually quite generous. Especially in comparison to past failed confederacies of a similar nature. Members are set up for success and it's a good option for a trader who has fallen on hard times to throw their lot in with the Trade Company.   Unfortunately, there will always be those who have no head for business or an inclination for agitating local law enforcement. For such individuals, the Strategic Resources Department does its best to find them an appropriate place. Sometimes, however, the best that can be done is to help liquidate their assets and exit them out of the commission as gently as possible.   For those whose debt outweighs their available assets, they have the choice of debtors prison or indenture to the company until all debts are resolved. Some may never appreciate the generosity of options available to them, but traveling the seas is dangerous work requiring proper vision and clarity to survive.




The West Olythia Trade Company is seen as ambitious by many. Those less charitable label them as upstarts. Those of an even more critical persuasion view them as a loose gaggle of smugglers, ignorant rubes, and barely rehabilitated cutthroats giving civilized merchants a bad name.

"We're on YOUR side."

Founding Date
Early 980's
Corporation, Commerce
Alternative Names
The Commission
Related Ranks & Titles

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