Session 06: Agatha's Lair

General Summary

Our heroes successfully defended themselves against a dangerous ambush by Cragmaw bugbears and goblins in a cave. Although they emerged victorious, the skirmish revealed troubling news: The Black Spider had placed bounties on their heads, signaling that their journey would only get more perilous.   Continuing their trek, the party reached the lair of Agatha, the banshee, deep within the forest near Conyberry. They were granted an audience with the enigmatic spirit, who imposed a strict limit of one question per visit. Heeding Sister Garaele's request, they asked Agatha about the lost spellbook of Bowgentle. After fulfilling their commitment to Garaele, Boarm attempted to coax another answer from Agatha, concerning the location of the elusive Wave Echo Cave. Despite her weakened divination powers, Agatha agreed to help once more and marked a supposed location on their map.   With new information in hand, the party returned to Phandalin to report back to Sister Garaele. Grateful for their efforts, she rewarded them with several potions. Eager to continue their quest, they followed the map's guidance towards what they believed to be the entrance to Wave Echo Cave.

Rewards Granted

All: +140 exp each (should be at 1270 exp now), 1 Minor Healing Potion
"Po": 20s
Findabhair: 1 Potion of Hill Giant Strength
Boarm Drek'thar: Shortbow, x20 arrows, 5g
Aria Jadehand: Shortbow, x20 arrows, 5g
Report Date
22 Apr 2024


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