
Summary   Findabhair is an Uthgardt barbarian of the Silver Wolf clan, familiar with the lands surrounding Neverwinter for several months’ travel in all directions. Her tribe is hesitant to make regular contact with outsiders for trade, but occasionally dispatches one or more of their kin to seek work in or around the city, both to acquire goods the clan requires with their coin, and to seek and scout out suitable targets for the next raiding season. She’s signed on for Rockseeker’s job for this purpose; the pay is reasonable, and the work provides an excellent excuse for traveling through a number of small towns within her clan’s hunting range.   Basic Information   Name: Findabhair of clan Silver Wolf   Uthgardt barbarian clans generally name themselves for their patron spirit; notable examples include the clans of the Blue Elk, the Red Tiger, the Black Raven, and the Gray Wolf—sworn enemies of the Silver Wolf tribe, and cursed lycanthropes. These clan totems are said to be great beast spirits over whom the Uthgardt’s legendary forebear, Uthgar, triumphed in days of yore. After his victory over them, the beast totems became aspects of Uthgar’s nature and serve as intermediaries between the great spirit and his earthly children.   Race: Lycanthrope   While many therianthropes suffer beneath a curse bestowed by either another diseased shifter or an evil god, the Silver Wolf tribe of Uthgardt barbarians consists of naturally-born lycanthropes devoted to worship of the goddess Selûne, who commands her faithful to remain on guard against cursed lycanthropes, undead, and creatures of darkness.   Class (and Archetype): Barbarian (Beast)   Like many of her kin, Findabhair draws on the rage and power of her inner animal in battle. Though she is well-practiced with her greatsword, in times of dire crisis she and many of her family prefer to fight with tooth and claw, shapeshifting into great wolves and meeting their enemies as nature intended.   Background: Uthgardt Tribe Member   The Uthgardt tribes are well-known along the Sword Coast and further inland, particularly in the frontiers closest to the city of Neverwinter. Although the tribes are largely nomadic, moving throughout the year to follow the migratory beasts they hunt, most clans still maintain distinct territories from year to year, as the tribes are unified in their respect for their thousand years of tradition. Uthgardt barbarians are known for their ferocity in battle, their strict adherence to the spiritual traditions of their clan, and their respect for the natural world, coupled with disdain for what most would call civilization. Those who travel with one of the Uthgardt need never fear starvation or the elements; the clans teach their children from birth to forage, hunt, and survive in the wilderness.   Findabhair’s clan, the Silver Wolf, blends Uthgardt beliefs in their collective legendary ancestor, Uthgar, and worship of the goddess Selûne; children of the tribe are not considered adults until they can successfully navigate and survive the wilds on their own, following a rite of passage demonstrating those skills. As natural werewolves, and Selûnites, they have an eternal blood-feud with the Gray Wolf clan, a heresy of curse-bitten werewolves who, rather than living in balance with nature, seek only blood and death. Just as many Uthgardt tribes war intermittently with orc clans, so too does the Silver Wolf clan war with the Gray Wolf clan, particularly during the raiding season, when Gray Wolf is known to hunt in the so-called “civilized” villages and towns. While the Silver Wolf isn’t itself opposed to a lawful raid on city-folk, the laws of the clan forbid the sort of wanton bloodshed that is the sole goal of the Gray Wolf. When the full moon rises in summer and autumn, the Silver Wolves bless their weapons in the name of the Moon-Maiden and Uthgar the Hunter, and hunt the raiding Gray Wolves like dogs.   Alignment: Lawful Neutral   Law and tradition are everything to the Uthgardt. While her morals are certainly more flexible in some ways than others, and she has little issue with what an outsider would call murder or theft, Findabhair is a strict adherent of the laws of her clan and people:
  • Combat creatures of profane darkness and those who truck with them wherever they dwell and whenever they breed.
  • Respect the territory of another, so long as they prove they can defend it.
  • Accept an honorable surrender, but give death first to vultures and scavengers.
  • Submission to those of higher station, and respect for those of lower station—all are children of the earth.
  • First, give of the kill to those most in need, second, give of the kill to the ones that slew it; leave none of the kill for carrion-eaters.
  • Fear not the power of thy rage, but neither be commanded by it—the Silver Lady gives thee fury not to replace thy reason, but to balance it.
  • Challenge not thy leader in the raiding season, nor while the clan makes war, but an honorable leader must answer an honorable challenge lawfully given.
  • Take no action which violates the balance of nature. Listen well to the harmony of the green, and staunchly defend it from those who hear it not.
  • Taciturn, observant, practical, direct.
  • Tends to listen more often than speak.
  • Although relatively uneducated, compared to the average citizen of a large city, and entirely illiterate, surprisingly insightful with regards to the motivations of people around her.
  • Surprisingly quick to trust, and entirely willing to resort to extreme violence in defense of the people she trusts.
  • Fairly laid-back for an Uthgardt, but worryingly quick to resort to direct violence or conflict from the perspective of an outsider.
  • Extremely adherent to the traditions and laws of her people. Outsiders not understanding why she’s doing what she’s doing aren’t her problem—they are less important by far than behaving honorably in the eyes of her gods and ancestors.
  • Age: 32
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Build: muscular, stocky, solid
  • Skin: pale, more than occasionally scarred, tattooed with dark green twisting vines and designs of various plants native to the wilderness around Neverwinter
  • Hair: dark brown, wildly curly, usually worn in a thick braid which hangs down to her shins, strung here and there with bits of carved bone or horn, inscribed with runes by the shaman of her tribe
  • Eyes: amber-yellow, disconcertingly focused, not-quite-human
  • Clothes: a simple tunic of dull brown-green, suitable for blending into undergrowth or tall grass, which is really just a long piece of fabric wrapped about the torso and shoulders, leaving the arms and legs bare, and held down by a belt at the waist. It is embroidered in places with dark green thread in a simple pattern like the trailing branches of willow trees. Darker green fabric is used as wraps from elbow to hand and from knee to foot, leaving the fingers and toes free but protecting the palm and soles from harm. A second layer of wrapping holds leather-backed metal guards against forearms and shins. A leather belt studded with metal carries a small pouch and an eating knife, while a similar studded leather strap worn cross-body from shoulder to hip has small buckles to hold a well-honed greatsword for travel while still allowing quick access to it for battle.
Lawful Neutral
Selûne, the Moon-Maiden/Uthgar, the Great Hunter


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