Session 14 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 14

General Summary

After waiting for the shift change they discover there are actually around 8 guards and one man who seems to be the one in charge. Siofra and Nariyah sneak over to a Dune overlooking the camp and Xavier begins to sneak up to the main ten of the camp. Xavier makes a little too much noise as he sneaks and is discovered by "The Man in Charge". After some attempts at deceit, Xavier is able to use the spell command to put him to "sleep" and moves past him, the man is about to awake and Xavier knocks him out and takes a set of keys off his person. He then sneaks into the tent and finds an opened letter that looks like a schedule which at the top reads "For the Lord Rulers Collection...   Finally Carl gives the signal by shooting one of the guards and thus shenanigans ensue as The Party get's a surprise round on the guards and take them out one by one.   After they kill the last guard, Xavier decides to unlock the cages to let the prisoners out. He finds:   A Female Loxodon   A Male Firbolg   A Female Gnome   A Dead Male Tortle   A Male Vedalken   And a very familiar yet long unseen face.   Talia   Thus Ends Session 14...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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