Fartharia Talia and Xavier Reunited

Talia and Xavier Reunited

Gathering / Conference

Lowsun 28th - Lowsun 29th, 337 AB

Friends long lost, finally found

Daniel tasks the Party with trying to save slaves from 2 major emcampments, the first is at the ocean where cages are out in the water and as the tide rises the slaves attempt to not drown. They are successful in liberating all but one of them and take them back to the Lion's Den   The next day they go to the second encampment at night, this camp is out in the desert where the captive slaves are roasted alive. One of the slaves turns out to the long lost friend of Xavier. Talia Vasenatu who has somehow found her way to Dustavarus and is Daniel's second in command.   The Party successfully liberates the slaves, saving Talia's life in the process, find a manafest of a caravan that treks from Dhara to Pasuri Veil, and sneak the slaves back into Dhara and to The Lion's Den.   They tell a grateful Daniel about the manafest they found and together they hatch a plan to ambush and hijack the caravan using it to sneak into Pasuri Veil.

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