Session 2 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 2

General Summary

After waking up the next morning, the group go to meet the Mayor in the town square. after waiting a bit he finally shows up with a person who is also interested in finding these children. Illya Nightheart - Pallid/Moon Elf Wizard.   The Mayor informs the party that, due to some horrible advice he was given, another child has gone missing during the night. Wasting no more time The Party dives into the mine.   After traveling through one of the coridors of the mine, and opening a lot of crates a long the way, The Party finds a Hobgoblin and 3 Goblins in the room at the end. They kill the Hobgoblin and intimidate the goblin into telling them where the children are. They defeat the Goblins and find some reinforced crates.   Upon opening the crates they find three of the missing children and one of them is able to direct The Party to where some of the children are.   The Goblin directed them to one room while the child directs them to another.   After taking the children to the entrance they press farther into the mine, taking the route the Goblin pointed out to them.   After going down another corridor The Party begins to hear voices coming from a room and see some more goblins inside.   They come up with a plan.   Illya will cast grease to try to incapacitate the Goblins while Carl shoots any stragglers.   Thus Ending Session 2.


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