Xavier Sunguard Character in Fartharia | World Anvil

Xavier Sunguard

Xavier was born into a rather comfortable lifestyle in the big City, under his father Alexander Sunguard, a commander of his homes army in Armunia Krataro. He didn't grow up as a child sleeping beside a stuffed animal at night, but rather slept beside his favourite blade in its sheath. Xavier has been training with the sword ever since he can remember, spending countless hours on the practice fields, competing in tournaments, fighting for reputation and honor in the sight of othe rs, as a result, Xavier has gained a fair amount of renown, people may tend to recognize him, especially within his own home town. By the time he was 18, he reached the age to follow his family tradition, and enter into the battlefield to start fighting in real war, shedding blood for the greater good. Along his time of fighting in real battles, war has become second nature to him...however one story sticks out in particular. His allegiance to his deity Soleil, has by nature caused rivalries of opposing deities, one particular rival group composed of infernal speaking individuals under the faith of a rival God, got the better of him and his people in battle and left him and his fellow mercenaries for dead, his main companion in arms who he grew up with, Talia (Female, possible love interest) was abducted and never to return, the battle left Xavier with a distinct scar that goes from the right side of his jaw up to the bottom of his eye, across his eyebrow. Xavier to this day spends his time thinking about his fellow comrade Talia, wondering where she could be, every time he looks into the mirror and gazes upon his reflection to look at his scar, he can't help but think about those infernal speaking foes... as a result, he spent time studying the infernal language under his mentor Artemor. Part of the mercenary tradition recognized in his home town is to serve 5 years on the battlefield and then take time off after serving every 5 years, how ever long the mercenary wants to take off is completely up to his or her choice, the price of a life is immeasurable, one who gives years of their life, risking themselves to fight on the battlefield for the good of their people, is given time to stand down and rest. Xavier has come up on his first off time at 23 years old and has decided he in fact wants to take time off to establish his personal life, perhaps meet friends, have a family and children and even perhaps, put his sword to his foes in the hope of finding Talia. Whether he comes back to the battlefield he doesn't exactly know yet, it fully depends on what his path crosses in this time off.     Xavier is a calm individual most of the time, charming, charismatic, and a natural born leader who comes from a long line of natural born leaders. He will treat anyone and everyone with respect regardless of your status in life. However, respect falls short in the face of his enemies. He is the first to stand against the grain of evil authorities, and if someone starts a fight, he will most certainly be the one to finish it. His charming smile gets even more charming when he puts blood on his sword.     Being a half-elf, Xavier stands at 6 feet 4 inches tall, and has a rather lean yet strong and firm build. He has bright white hair. Although it is typically normal for the Half-elf race to have Green eyes, Xavier has distinct glowing gold eyes that could be compared to the glare of the sun, perhaps that's where the family name "Sunguard" comes from.


Talia Vasenatu

Childhood Friend (Important)

Towards Xavier Sunguard



Xavier Sunguard

Childhood Friend (Important)

Towards Talia Vasenatu



Date of Birth
28th Firewane, 314 AB
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
220 lbs
Soleil: God of the Sun/Light
Aligned Organization
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