Session 22 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 22

General Summary

The Party explores Pasuri Veil. They head to the baracks and inform the butler of what kind of meal they want. They then unsuccessfully try to find the caravan. As dusk arrives the Party changes for the party as Carl, in one of the wagons, goes through his own shenanigans which ends in him being shackled with the rest of the people in the wagons and brought to a waiting room where they are patted down.   The Party, in their new attire, are brought through the palace to the dining hall where they are greeted by the MC, a female Satyr named Maxine.   The Party converse with other party goers and dinner is finally ready. The Party is seperated as Daniel, Siofra and Xavier sit at one table and Talia is at the other. While eating their meals, Glander, The Lord Ruler, makes his arrival. He he is somewhat welcoming to the party and brings in Carl and the people he was shackled with. Little did Glander know Carl had successfully loosened his restraints. The Lord Ruler drops the act and seizes The Party's Bag of Holding turning it inside out dropping everything onto the ground.   He finds Carl's gun and is successful in finding out how it works, he fires it killing the Tabaxi. The Party realizes that the room is empty and the doors locked. The Lord Ruler pulls a lever beside him causing the tables and chairs to drop into the floor and a circular trap door to open in the center of the room.   Carl uses his gem to conjour an Earth Elemental which in turn picks up the Lord Ruler and tosses him off the platform and into the opened hole.   The Party hears Glander's screams as a platform rises withe a Blue Dragon on it tearing Glander apart. The chains loosen on the Dragon and, almost like his Glander's final act. The Party now rolls initiative.   Despite their efforts, Xavior falls unconcious, he hears a voice in his head that was unfamiliar to him. "I name you my Avatar. Rise with your friends and save Fartharia from destruction." Suddenly Xavier awakes with Solgalael ignited and a new Power discovered within him. The Power of the Avatar.   Carl in the battle also falls unconcious and was about to be embraced by death once again when he is suddenly filled with a "Second wind" and is back in the fight. (I rolled 2 failures followed by a nat 20 *Screams internally*)   However with Carl falling unconcious, The Earth Elemental becomes unfriendly and what was a Hard encounter, now became Deadly.   Against all odds They are successful in defeating The Dragon and the Earth Elemental. They see the body of the Lord Ruler revert bak to the familiar form of a Changeling.   The guards in the room drop their weapons and as word travels fast through Pasuri Veil, Guards are lead in as the slaves have risen up and are holding the guards with their own weapons.   The Part investigates the gigantic room under the Dining hall and discover the Treasury as well as the rest of the Lord Rulers collection being humanoids and monsters of various type. He even had a beholder. They enter the treasury and find various magical items and about 5000 gp each. Meanwhile a vote is held to see who will be apointed to the newly established Counsel.   Daniel and Shalisa are the winners.   Talia now becomes a perminant member of the Party.   As The Party leaves the treasury they name themselves:   THE GUARDIANS OF FARTHARIA   Thus ends Session 22...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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