Fartharia The Resistance Arrives

The Resistance Arrives

Military: Battle

Redfall 9th - Redfall 15th, 337 AB

The Resistance infiltrates The Veil

The Party Travels to Pasuri Veil, on the way finding Airship Wreckage, when they arrive they walk into a trap that The Lord Ruler laid for them however the Party turns the tables and drops The Lord Ruler to his death, they take on the Lord Ruler's Pet, a Young Blue Dragon and Bring Freedom to Dustavarus. Daniel and Shalisa establish a council, Talia becomes a full time member of the party and The Party is Reborn as The Guardians of Fartharia The Guardians investigate the Lord Rulers collection and find Glantelax Akdelak who joins the Guardians. The Party meets 2 of Vortigarr’s “Children” Narkissa and Nizhalgol who just threaten the party as they escape.

Related Location
Pasuri Veil
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