Session 25 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 25

General Summary

The Guardians are attack on all sides by three Choldrith and as 1 dissipates, the other 2 stay corporeal and turn into boneless versions of Talia and Langnok who then dissipate upon defeat. The Guardians then watches as the mist retreats entirely back into the mouth of Koartkulle as the sun begins to rise.   They head back into the tavern and discover that the minotaur is gone and may have been another illusion of The Mist. They decide to make a break for Koartkulle and after about 30 minutes The Guardians experience a very troubling set of Illusions.   They see the dead bodies of all their companions they have met so far laying in the streets but their eyes follow them as they pass by.   Siofra sees her family die in a house fire that erupts from one of the houses they past. The rest of The Guardians don't see this.   Altogether they experience the following illusion:   A eclipse forming in the sky causing the sky to turn red. The sky then rips open from the eclipse revealing a night sky filled with planets near and far which Glan recognizes. However one of those is shrouded in darkness and begins to turn revealing a mouth that curls into a smile. It opens it mouth a darkness spews forth and extinguishes each star one by one. The darkness then covers each planet one by one until there is only darkness and the entity. As darkness begins to cross Bodengard the Party finds their feet sinking into it, they look back up and see the entity now so close that all the see is a single flaming, cat-like eye. A voice is heard in their heads and yet it sounds like it’s all around them booming in a multitude of different languages at the same time. “This is the end. Accept fate and let there be nothing.” Carl then instinctually at the last second fires a shot at the eyes as their heads submerge in darkness. They then snap open their eyes and they are galloping towards the mountain as if nothing happened as the sun begins to rise.   Xavier recognizes this as Surtumveg. “The End in Darkness and Death” the prophecy that is believed to be the end of Fartharia.   They reach the foot of the mountain and begin to climb for another 8 hours causing the sun to rise and fall 16 times with no resistance from The Mist.   They reach a point where the horses can't travel any further and they hitch them to a branch as Carl sets his free.   They reach the gates of Koartkulle and the mist begins to form again. As Carl and Xavier open the gates an Unspeakable Horror breaks through the doors and attacks The Guardians nearly killing Carl. The defeat the Horror and find themselves in a long tall corridor that leads to what seems to be a balcony. before they explore though they decide to take a long rest in what seems to be the guards barracks.   Thus ends Session 25...
Report Date
28 Dec 2022


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