Fartharia Time Turns In Heinreich

Time Turns In Heinreich


Redfall 21st - Fellnight 25th, 337 AB

Months pass as The Guardians free Heinreich

The Guardians arrive in Bodengard covered in thick mist, they begin to hallucinate, They fight various monsters and witness horrifying events including a vision of the End Times myth of Fartharia, Surtemveg. They come to realize that Time moves differently while they are in this mist. Hours in the mist equal days outside the mist. They continue their mission and find themselves in Koartkulle, the Capital of Heinriech. They find statues of Dwarves, they seem to be frozen in time. They journey to the Bottom of the Undermoutain city and come face to face with a being who claims to be Malkezar, The Mother of Monsters. She agrees to free Heinriech if The Guardians defeat her latest creation, a giant 3 headed dog. They succeed and Malkezar honors their deal. Heinriech is freed and the King, Brock Steinvider, offers The Guardians a bow. The Alliance weapon Villtrie. Additionally he teleports the Guardians to wherever they wish to go, The Guardians go to Pasuri Veil, Talia however goes back to Armunia Kratero.   They arrive in Pasuri Veil and discover that it has been moths since they left and it is currently Union Day. They meet Wembly there and she gifts them communication ear rings and an airship which they take to Armunia Kratero.

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