Session 3 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 3

General Summary

After Illya casts Grease and 2 goblins are knocked prone. The Party successfully defeats the Goblin group and save 3 more children.
They make their way back to the entrance to get the kids out and then dive deeper into the mine.
after a bit of traveling they find a room in which, what seem to be, 6 green skinned old women reside.
The Party is victorious against the "Hags" and upon death their bodies begin to transform into what seems to be their original form.
Instead of green skin the bodies have pasty white skin with black eyes and silver hair.
The party does not recognize them as a race that is native to Fartharia...
4 more children are saved and The Party exits the mine to see families reunited.
Tears of joy are shed and the Mayor reveals one of the children was his.
The Advisor comes to also congratulate the party but before he can say thank you his head snaps back with an entrance wound in his forehead with a gunshot being heard soon after. but it is far off in the distance.
Reunions are cut short as the families begin to scatter and hide.
As The advisors body hits the ground, he too begins to revert form...
Thus Ending Session 3...


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