Session 33 Report in Fartharia | World Anvil

Session 33

General Summary

The next morning Gladious arrives with the warrant he threatened the Guardians with last night and proceeds to search the ship, he finds nothing and actually meets Onyx, He ultimately comes to the conclusion that Onyx is not the wolf they are looking for. He then escorts the Guardians to their meeting with the High Seat.   Durring the meeting they discover that Mercilla is actually surrendering to Vortigarr in order to keep her people safe, The Party leaves empty handed but discover in is actually Siofra's Birthday.   They go out and do some shopping while the rest of the crew put together a surprise party for Siofra. after a few hours they make their way back to the ship.   The Guardians boad the ship revealling a surprise birthday party for Siofra. Galder pays Siofra a surprise visit and is visibly wounded. He informs the Guardians that he believes there is a conspiracy to keep Mercilla Noblite in power and they may find evidense in her quarters in Lewearbre. He also revelas that Gladious is Mercilla's secret husband and that Siofra is royalty. The Woods are a royal family that are due to inherit the High Seat and the reason Galder is wounded is due to a failed assassination attempt. Galder encourages Siofra to not use her real name until things ger resolved. He leaves and the Guardians party all night now having a clear path forward. Overthrow Mercilla Noblite but to do so they need the people behind them, and to get the people behind them they will need evidence.   Thus Ends Session 33...
Report Date
07 Jul 2023


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