Fartharia Bierfol


Political event

Fellnight 28th & 29th, 337AB

The Guardians Adventure in Bierfol

When they awoke, The Guardians were met by Gladius with a search warrant. He finds nothing and rules Onyx out as a suspect. He then escorts the Guardians to the counsel chambers within Lewarbre and the meeting commences.   The Guardians discover that the High Seat, Mercilla Noblite, has convinced the ruling body that it is in their best interest to surender and the meeting is adjurned with The Guardians leaving empty handed.   A surprise birthday party is held for Siofra Wood and her uncle crashes the party and informs the Guardians that he believes there is a conspiracy surrounding the high Seat and if The Guardians wish to overthrow her they are going to need the people at their back. So they need to find some evidence that he believes is in the High Seats Quarters in Lewarbre. He leaves and a night of partying is had.

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