Fartharia The Party Meets

The Party Meets

Gathering / Conference

Lowsun 18th & 19th, 337 AB

The Party meets for the first time in a tavern in Vattendevin. Answering a call for help.

8 adventurers are in a tavern named The Eye of the World in the small mining town of Vattendevin. While being briefed by the mayor they are attacked by a Troll and stirges. They fend them off and decide to investigate the mine in the morning.   The next day, The Party meets and begins their dive into the Mine. They are successful in finding 2 sets of children, defeating enemies along the way and make their way to the final room. They fight off some green Hags that then revert to their true form of pale skin, black eyes and white hair. They bring out the 3rd set of kids and are shot at from a watchtower on the side of the mountain. A shot the mayor's advisor and he too reverts back to his true form. The Party investigates the advisor's house and finds a note from someone named Lilith. They go to the watchtower are shot at once again. They make it inside and hear a loud, bassy twang sound coming from the top of the Ruins. They reach the top and find a wall of purple flame. Deathdogs come running out and they fight them off as the first wall of flame disappears and they hear it appear on the floor below. They go down to investigate and hear a voice on the other side taunting them claiming he is coming and there is nothing they can do to stop him. Carl has a flashback where he is in a black void helding a sword and Shield, he then sees a pillar of flame shoot at him from the Void.

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