
Whenever you’re making a Skill roll, and you’re in a situation where an Aspect might be able to help you, you can spend a Fate Points(article:47ec0f0d-8fae-47fa-a4ad-cce650557dab) to invoke it in order to change the [dice result. This allows you to either reroll the dice or add +2 to your roll, whichever is more helpful. You do this after you’ve rolled the dice —if you aren’t happy with your total. You also have to explain or justify how the aspect is helpful in order to get the bonus—sometimes it’ll be self-evident, and sometimes it might require some creative narrating. You can spend more than one fate point on a single roll, gaining another reroll or an additional +2, as long as each point you spend invokes a different aspect.    
Here is more in depth information on Invoking an aspect


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