
Most game settings that have superpowers have the following in common: the purpose of a superpower is to make the stuff you do (your skills ) more awesome, and the fact that everyone has superpowers is accepted as a conceit of the game. That makes a build that’s appropriate for multiple settings really easy to do. No permissions, because everyone can have them (or maybe one “origin story” aspect). Take whatever power you want and make it into a stunt. If you need to go over the usual limits of a stunt to fully encompass the power, add one more point of refresh for every two shifts (or one added action , or one rule breakage) of effect you add. If you want multiple “levels” of a power, make the number of refresh you can spend on it variable. Then give every PC a number of additional refresh to buy powers with. Here are a bunch of powers! (This also works if you want a setting with magic where everyone knows a small selection of rigid spells, or very simple cybernetic enhancements.)   These are all taken from a game called Chrome City, home of Simon the Cyber-Ape. It’s basically four-color supers with a cyberpunk veneer thrown on it, and he comes from a society of intelligent, cybernetically enhanced apes who practice kung-fu.   extra : Energy Blast Costs: 2 points of refresh You can use Shoot to blast other people with energy, without needing a gun or other implement. You have free rein to decide what your blast is like, whether it’s some elemental force or just undefined bolts of light. (This doesn’t cost refresh, because you can already use Shoot for attacks.) You get +2 when using your energy blasts to make attacks or create advantages, and they hit for Weapon:2. If your setting has mundane weapons, this power has a Weapon value that’s 2 higher than the stron gest mundane weapons available.   extra : Super-Strength Costs: 2–6 points of refresh Your Fight attacks are Weapon:2, and nearly all “raw strength” applications of Physique are at +2. Every additional 2 points of refresh you spend adds a +2 to all bonuses.   extra : Super-Speed Costs: 3 points of refresh You always go first in a conflict exchange. If someone else in the conflict has Super-Speed, compare skills as normal. You take a +2 on all defense rolls with Athletics, or in contests relying purely on speed. Except for absolute barriers like solid walls, you ignore all situation aspects that impede movement, and can place yourself in any zone you want at the start of every conflict exchange, because you had enough time to get there.   extra : Super-Resilience Costs: 1–3 refresh You have Armor:2 vs. any defense roll against physical damage. Each additional point of refresh adds 2 to that total.   extra : X-Ray Vision Costs: 2 refresh You don’t roll Notice or Investigate actions if the object of your search is hidden behind an opaque object—just assume you automatically succeed. This also helps you stay hidden, because you can see when people are looking for you and where they are. +2 to Stealth to avoid detection.


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