The Writeup

Once you’ve got all the elements together, you can make a writeup for your extra. Congrats!  

extra: Collegia Arcana Magic

Permissions: One aspect reflecting that you’ve been trained by the Collegia Costs: Skill ranks, specifically those invested in the Lore skill (Normally, you’d probably also charge points of refresh, because you’re adding new actions to a skill, but Amanda’s group is lazy and is handwaving it in favor of group consensus.) People who are trained in Collegia magic are able to use their knowledge to perform supernatural effects, adding the following actions to the Lore skill: Overcome: Use Lore to prepare and perform magical rituals successfully, or to answer questions about arcane phenomena. Create an Advantage: Use Lore to alter the environment with magic or place mental and physical impediments on a target, such as Slowed Movement or A Foggy Head. Characters can defend against this with Will. Attack: Use Lore to directly harm someone with magic, whether through conjuring of elements or mental assault. Targets can defend against this with Athletics or Will depend ing on the nature of the attack, or Lore if the target also has magical training. Defend: Use Lore to defend against hostile magics or other supernatural effects.


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