Vehicles, Locations, and Organizations

These are all lumped together in one category because if you want them to be important, their impact is usually significant enough to justify giving them their own character sheet. It doesn’t always have to be that complicated, especially if you’re going for something more subtle—for example, if you want to tie up some cool stunts into a vehicle and use the superpower or special gear rules above, that’s perfectly valid. This is for when you want a vehicle to be a real personality and cornerstone of your game, as iconic as the Enterprise or the Millennium Falcon. If you assign an extra its own skills, you’re suggesting that the extra has the capability to act independently of you, and you need to justify why that is. Depending on the extra, you may also need to recontextualize what the skills mean or make up a new list more appropriate for the ways in which the extra acts.   In this game, the characters are given a handful of extra refresh, skill ranks, and aspect slots to invest into sailing ships. The group decided to invest collectively in one awesome ship.  

extra: The Galerider

Permissions: None; understood as part of the game’s conceit Costs: skill ranks, refresh, and aspect slots, invested by several characters aspect : Fastest Ship in the Fleet, Hidden Cargo Compartments, Lord Tamarin Wants To Sink Her skill : (representing the ship’s crew; PCs can use their own skill if higher) Good (+3) Notice Fair (+2) Shoot, Sail (equivalent to Drive) Stunts: Pour On The Speed. TheGalerider gives +2 on any Sail rolls to win a contest of speed. Boobytrapped: For a fate point, any PC can have Weapon:2 on an attack or add 2 to the Weapon value of any Fight attack that happens on board, by triggering any of the nasty traps scattered across the deck and interiors as part of their action.     This is for a game where every PC is the ruler of a separate nation state on a fantasy world, and the action deals a lot with international politics. The PCs get to build a separate character sheet for their nation state.  

extra: The Plenary of Ghiraul

Permissions: None; assumed as part of the game’s premise Costs: A special pool of aspect , skill ranks, and stunts   This small nation-state is known for its vast spy network and laws which protect the rich and powerful, usually at the expense of the peas antry. You rule it; congrats. When acting against other nations, use the skills here rather than the ones on your character sheet. In this case, your skills represent the efforts of your spies, nobles, artisans, and armies, respectively. aspect : We’re Watching You; The Rich Eat the Poor; Sharp Minds, Dull Blades skill : Great (+4) Investigate Good (+3) Resources Fair (+2) Crafts Average (+1) Fight   Stunts: Counter-Intelligence. The Plenary can use Investigate to defend against other nations’ attempts to learn its aspect . Succeeding with style on this defense allows the Plenary to feed the nation an aspect that contains false information instead.


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