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Archer of Limos

5 - Highly trained genius
4 - Likeable
5 - Maximum effort

Odýsseia: Odysseus’ bow.
Odysseus's wish for the grail is to live a peaceful life with his wife & son.
Losing his family.

Body type

Fairly muscular.


A fundamentally good-looking man.




Emotional State

Odysseus tends to come off as cold & calculating at first, but once you get to know him he's actually super lonely.


Odysseus is a person who carries a deep loneliness with him.


Odysseus tries to hold his anger in, but every so often it peaks out. Having violent emotional outbursts, where his anger overwrites his wisdom.


In Greek mythology Odysseus is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca & the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey. Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad & other works in that same epic cycle. Son of Laërtes & Anticlea. Husband of Penelope, & father of Telemachus, Acusilaus, & Telegonus. Odysseus is renowned for his intellectual brilliance, guile, & versatility, & is thus known by the epithet Odysseus the Cunning. He is most famous for his homecoming, which took him ten eventful years after the decade-long Trojan War.

Fate/Limos's name is a reference to multiple servants in the HGW. With Limos being the Greek god of hunger & famine, referencing Odysseus's Greek origins. Hunger is also a recurring challenge in the Odyssey.

The Man of Many Devices, King of Ithaca, The Cunning Odysseus (a.k.a. Ulysses, Vlixes, Nobody)

Noble Phantasm:
Dódeka Tsekoúri Tolí (Twelve Ax Shot)(B)
: Odysseus fires an arrow through 12 rings of light at his opponent, the arrow grows in speed as it passes each ring, eventually turning into a beam of energy.

: Riding, Presence Concealment, Protection of the Messenger God, Inherent Wisdom, Battle Continuation
: The Odyssey: Homer’s famous epic.
: Anthony Proci
Holy Grail War
: Fate/Limos
: Murdering Astyanax, seeing Telemachus in him, & seeing Telegonus before he dies.
: Fading away after killing his master & firing his NP at Robert Bulwer Lytton.
Strength Endurance Agility
Mana Luck NP
C+ E B

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Odysseus bares a great scar on his leg from his grandfather's boar hunt.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A hero that is found within Greek Mythology, being the main character of the Homeric epic "The Odyssey". In "The Illiad", he is shown taking part in the Trojan War. During the Trojan War he performed great deeds as the most cunning & craftful member of the Achaeans. After the loss of Achilles in battle, Troy ended up falling to the Trojan Horse plan devised by Odysseus. Soon after the conquest of Troy had come to a conclusion, Odysseus set out on a journey to return to his beloved Penelope. However, on the way back he encountered many dangers…. The vicious one-eyed giant, Polyphemus. The curses of Poseidon. The witch Circe & the nymph Calypso’s temptations. The song of the Sirens. The strait of the monster, Scylla & Charybdis. The wrath of Helios. Nevertheless, in the end he overcame these difficulties & though having made many sacrifices, he made his way back to Penelope’s side.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Odysseus's major accomplishment was the Trojan Horse, in which him & an army of Greek soldiers invaded the walls of Troy.

Mental Trauma

The main thing that affected Odysseus the most was the murder of Astyanax, the infant son of Hector. He also witnessed his mother in the underworld who died of a broken heart.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very wise & cunning.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Penelope & Telemachus are my family. They're the only thing that kept me going throughout my journeys.
Dislikes: War.


Contacts & Relations

Acheans: Odysseus fought on the Achean's side during the Trojan War.
  • Ajax: Odysseus & Ajax were considered rivals on the battlefield.
  • Agamemnon: Odysseus & Agamemnon butted heads alot during the Trojan war. After all it's his fault Odysseus participated in the first place, after Agamemnon threatened his son.
  • Diomedes: Odysseus helped Diomedes steal the Palladium.
  • Meneleaus: Odyssus suggested the pact that dragged all of the Achean kings into the Trojan war.
Crewmates: Odysseus took 600 men to war, & all of them survived to make it to the Odyssey. All of them died during the ride home.
  • Polities: Odysseus was childhood friends with Polities. He often helped ground Odysseus & reminded him to keep a positive mindset. Because of this Odysseus blamed himself for his death.
  • Eurylochus: Eurylochus was the first mate of Odysseus. As such they trusted each other like brothers, that is until Polities died & he started doubting Odysseus. Odysseus often wonders in Eurylochus's concerns were valid & how differently things would've played out if he had been captain. Eurylochus was also the husband of Odysseus's sister, Ctimene. He died from Zeus's thunderbolt after slaying Helios's cattle.
  • Elpenor: Elpenor was also the youngest member of Odysseus's crew. He got drunk, fell off Circe's palace & died without the crews knowledge. After Odysseus went to the underworld & discovered that he had died, they went back to Circe's palace to bury him. Odysseus always felt guilty taking such a young man on his voyage.
  • Perimedes: Perimedes was an untrustful member of Odysseus's crew, who respected all of the ruthless actions of the crew. Perimedes claims to keep himself distant from the other members, but his actions say otherwise. He died from Zeus's thunderbolt after slaying Helios's cattle.
Athena: Odysseus & Athena had a close relationship. Both admiring each others wisdom.
: Odysseus first met Nausicaa when he woke up stranded on her island, Scheria. She is present when Odysseus tells her father of his journey, & she writes it down as the Odyssey. Nausicaa later marries Odysseus's son, Telemachus & they have a son Poliporthes. Nausicaa is also one of the only people during the Odyssey who isn't antagonistic to Odysseus.
Poseidon: Odysseus fears & hates Poseidon the most of all the Greek gods. After all during the Odyssey he was basically at Poseidon's whim. Poseidon taught him to be ruthless.

Family Ties

Son of Laërtes & Anticlea. Husband of Penelope, & father of Telemachus, Acusilaus, & Telegonus. Great grandson of Hermes. Grandfather of Poliporthes via Nausicaa. Anticlea, Odysseus's mother, died of grief while Odysseus was away. Anticlea also was one of Artemis's archers when she was younger & grandaughter of Hermes.

Religious Views

Odysseus lived in a time where the Greek gods existed. His patron was Athena, the goddess of wisdom.


Anthony Proci

Master (Important)

Towards Archer of Limos



Archer of Limos

Servant (Important)

Towards Anthony Proci




Anthony summoned Odysseus using the Odyssey, Homer’s famous epic. Their servant contract ended when Archer killed Anthony.


Wife (Vital)

Towards Archer of Limos



Archer of Limos

Husband (Vital)

Towards Penelope




Odysseus succeeded in a race against Penelope's father, Icarius, allowing him to marry her. After they got married, Icarius tried to persuade Odysseus to remain in Sparta. Shortly after they left Sparta, they had a son, Telemachus. Then Odysseus got called into the Trojan War. Odysseus was away at sea for 20 years before returning home. In the meantime Penelope had to ward off multiple suitors. Eventually they were reunited, but Odysseus's past came back to haunt him in the form of Telegonus.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Penelope & Odysseus both value intelligence & wisdom over everything else.

Neutral Good
Date of Birth
December 13,
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Laërtes & Anticlea.
Circumstances of Death
Stabbed with a poisonous spear by his son, Telegonus.
Place of Death
Penelope (Wife)
Long, gray, with red streaks.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
138 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I am the reigning king of Ithaca! I am neither man nor mythical! I am your darkest moment. I am the infamous, Odysseus! Twelve Ax Shot!" "Eímai o vasiléfs tis Ithákis! Den eímai oúte ánthropos oúte mythikós! Eímai i pio skoteiní sou stigmí. Eímai o diavóitos, Odysséas! Dódeka Tsekoúri Tolí!" “The weight & pain of taking just one step forward? ---- I am familiar with how much it can take.” "Nobody is my master."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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