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Avenger of Erythraean

2 - Untrained
3 - Indifferent
4 - Good effort

Genesis: Judas's giant cross shaped mana cannon.
Judas' wish for the Holy Grail is to be forgiven by Jesus.
Judas fears being loved.

Facial Characteristcs

A black beard.

Body type

Fairly skinny, looks like he's never been in a fight before.


Judas will become gradually more unkempt with his degrading mental state.


Emotional State

Judas on the outside is calm & knowledgeable, on the inside he is super mentally unstable.


Judas is almost never happy.


Judas is sad because he never felt worthy of Jesus' love. However he felt great love & admiration for Jesus.


Jesus is angry at all the injustice the Romans have inflicted upon his people, & felt like the only way to stop it was to turn Jesus in. He is an avenger because he's trying to avenge Jesus' death, & can't forgive himself.


Judas Iscariot was a disciple & one of the original Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. According to all four canonical gospels, Judas betrayed Jesus to the Sanhedrin in the Garden of Gethsemane by kissing him on the cheek & addressing him as "master" to reveal his identity in the darkness to the crowd who had come to arrest him. His name is often used synonymously with betrayal or treason.

Fate/Erythraean's name is a reference to multiple servants in the HGW. The modern name, the Red Sea, being associated with the bible as wells as the Akeldama in which Judas died.

Truest Disciple Judas Iscariot (a.k.a. Betrayer)

Noble Phantasm:
Crucify (A)
: Judas uses Genesis to obliterate anything, accepting any sin associated with doing so, this will also obliterate any of Judas’ mana.
Judas Kiss (EX)
: Judas can touch someone else causing them to die within 24 hours, but Judas will also die soon after.  
: Presence Concealment, God-Slayer, Mental Corruption, Oblivion Correction, Avenger
: Blood Money: The 30 pieces of silver given to Judas for betraying Jesus, attributed to being a holy relic.
: To be forgiven by Jesus.
: Father Peter Livednis
Holy Grail War
: Fate/Erythraean
: Young Jesus & Judas talking about the universe, transitions to the last supper, then Judas watching Jesus being crucified, finally Judas hanging himself.
: Faded away using the Holy Grail to fufill his wish.
Strength Endurance Agility
Mana Luck NP

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Dagger: A dagger once belonging to Judas's father, Simon. Representing the Sicarii, a group of Jewish zealots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Judas's mother died shortly after he was born while his father, Simon, was a member of the Sicarii. A group of Jewish zealots defying Roman occupation. Simon dies during a riot leaving Judas to fend for himself. Years later Judas meets Jesus on a hill, who tells him about heaven & his ambitions, leading Judas to become the first apostle. Jesus also makes Judas swear to kill him if he ever strays from the path. Many years later Jesus gains 11 more apostles, each of whom praise Jesus unconditionally, this includes Mary Magdalene. Judas views their behavior as foolish, especially Mary's, with her spending her wealth on Jesus instead of helping their community. This isn't helped by the growing violence by the Jewish people against the Romans, indirectly caused by Jesus. Judas then witnesses the cleansing of Herod's temple & Jesus's outburst. Judas runs away to Caiaphas & the high priests determining that Jesus has gone too far. Judas tells them about his various worries, about the apostles, the riots, & the reckless spending. The high priests listen to Judas's concerns & offer him 30 silver coins as payment to sell out Jesus & help the poor. After some debate Judas agrees, takes the money, & goes back to Jesus. Jesus states that the apostles should remember him when they eat, & has another outburst. Claiming that Peter, the apostle, will deny him 3 times & that Judas will betray him. Jesus & Judas have an argument about how they've lost their ways & Judas storms out. Jesus goes up to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray & shortly after Judas identifies him with a kiss. Judas then leaves as the Roman guards arrest Jesus. A couple hours later Judas witnesses Jesus's beating & subsequent crucifixion. Judas then runs to the high priests pleading for them to end Jesus's suffering & take back the silver. The high priests refuse the so called "blood money" & Judas runs off, leaving the money behind. Judas runs into the field in which he & Jesus first met lamenting his life up to that point. Judas hangs himself & Caiaphas buys the field deeming it Akeldama, the field of blood.


Judas feels unworthy of Jesus's love. Often getting jealous of Mary Magdalene.


Judas wasn't formerly educated.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Bread & wine.
Dislikes: Blind followers.

Personality Quirks

Judas often plays with a set of prayer beads.


Contacts & Relations

Caiaphas: Caiphas & Judas were childhood friends who grew up on opposite sides of the law. Caiaphas feeling sorry for how Judas died, bought the field in which he died, deeming it Akeldama, the field of blood.
Jesus: Judas has a lot of conflicting feelings about Jesus. He was a firm believer in what Jesus did at the beginning, but as he saw his own people being treated so horribly his faith began to waive. He often felt like he was the only person who could understand Jesus while also not knowing how to reciprocate his love.
Mary Magdalene: Judas is jealous of Jesus's love for Mary, feeling like he deserves it more than her. He also doesn't like Mary's wealth, feeling that her riches would better befit the poor.
12 Apostles
: Judas doesn't hate the rest of the apostles. Instead he feels that they're lazy people who put blind faith into a mere man.

Family Ties

Judas' father, Simon, was once part of the Sicarii. A group of Jewish zealots who opposed the Roman occupation of Judea. Some of Jesus' actions remind Judas of his father.

Religious Views

Judas was a firm believer in what Jesus did at the beginning, but as he saw his own people being treated so horribly his faith began to waive. He had a lot of conflicting feelings about God, both believing in what Jesus was doing & doubting his accusations as the son of God. Judas has always believed that they should make the place they're living into a heaven instead of waiting for one after death.


Peter Livednis


Towards Avenger of Erythraean


Avenger of Erythraean

Servant (Important)

Towards Peter Livednis




Peter summoned Judas using the Blood Money. The 30 pieces of silver given to Judas for betraying Jesus, attributed to being a holy relic. This was given to Peter by the Holy Church to use for the HGW.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Peter & Judas believe that they know what's best for the church & don't trust it's current leaders.

Wealth & Financial state

Judas has been poor for most of his life. Often barely being able to afford a piece of bread.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good.
Date of Birth
September 23, 0
Date of Death
April 3, 33
0 BC 33 AD
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Simon Iscariot
Circumstances of Death
Suicide by hanging.
Kerioth, Judea
Place of Death
Long black, dreads ponytail.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I have been splattered with innocent blood! Crucify!" "Damned for all time. Judas Kiss!" "Everytime I look at you I don't understand." "My mind is clearer now."
Known Languages
Hebrew, Arabic, & Latin.


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