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Black Keys

Black Keys are used in threes, with each key doing a d4 of damage. If thrown one at a time the user will gain advantage but only do 1d4 damage, if thrown three at a time the user will get disadvantage but do 3d4 damage. They also require dex checks to use, & have double damage against vampires or demons.


In 300 A.D., an era said to be when Dead Apostles were the most rampant, turning them back into corpses & reverting them to dust was the Holy Church's mission. But in that era, there was no high-firepower weapon capable of eradicating a Dead Apostle's body in a single strike. The most effective measure was shutting them into a building or forest, setting it aflame, & burning it until their blood was used up. However, the Church would bankrupt itself by doing this each & every time. At the time, someone hailed as the pinnacle of swordsmen whilst also a priest (Tilpin) proposed a weapon that was "mass-producible, easy to transport, with immediate effectivity that kept casualties to a minimum". This was the Scriptural Weapons, of which the Black Key was the first to be created. Instead of adding on anti-heresy effects by inscribing a weapon with prayers, the groundbreaking idea was to instead turn the scripture itself into a weapon, making it a deadly anti-heresy poison. By the 9th century, Black Keys settled into their current form, as the most outstanding Scriptural Weapon, beloved & used widely. However, since they are hard to use, as the years went by they became inadequate in facing the ever strengthening Dead Apostles. As civilization developed, & firearms could be produced, the number of Black Key users started decreasing. In 1450, with the advent of the printing machine invented by Gutenberg, the Black Keys had a slight recovery in their popularity, but unable to compete with the simplicity of guns, they demoted from a main-weapon to a sub-weapon that "you could pass off as having in place of a talisman". Since then, in the Church, Black Keys became an enthusiasts' weapon "used by choice for devoted adherents only".


Sacraments of the Church, one of their many charms used against demons & Vampires.
Item type
Weapon, Other
Owning Organization


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