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Holy Church

The Holy Church helped in the formation of the Holy Grail War specifically Oz Maburn, who won the first war. The Holy Church, also referred simply as "The Church", is the hidden side of the Roman Catholic Church that specializes in the hunting of heresy. Compared to the public side of the Holy Church that treats heresies as if they do not exist because those who teach the word of God must not acknowledge that which runs counter to their doctrines, the Holy Church contains the zealots who feel the heresies should be more proactively destroyed. They are a major force that has a tenuous relationship with the Mage's Association.

Granted Divine Powers

Ash Lock
: Conceptual Weapons that are standard equipment for Executors. As they are easier to use than Black Keys, requiring minimum of training to unleash their devastating power, the majority of Executors prefer them. They come in a variety of forms, from armored gauntlets to small knives & crossbows, disguised as gloves or boots until the tag is removed, reverting them to their original form.
Keys of Providence
: Types of Conceptual Weapons used for purification, which is the forcing of natural laws onto the Dead Apostle & baptizing their flesh to turn them back into ash. They open the structure of physical body & lock it back into its original form if the target was a Catholic during their human life, or if they have devoured or sucked the blood of a Catholic. They lack much of an effect if they were not Catholic, on the other hand, they will have some effect on a Christian Vampire even if the user is a non-Christian. If both are believers of the faith, their power is absolute. Black Keys are types of Keys of Providence.
Holy Shroud
: Cloths used to wrap around the remains of saints. Taken from the remains, some members of the Holy Church utilize them as Mystic Codes.
  • Shroud of Martin: The Shroud of Martin possesses the characteristic of sealing a "certain event" or returning it to normal. Its function can be likened to an air purifier.
  • Shroud of Turin: The so-called "Shroud of Turin" is a relic that covered the remains of Jacques de Molay & not that of the Messiah himself...such an awfully dubious theory exists. It is true that the french Charney family that discovered the Holy Shroud was deeply involved with the Knights Templars, after all, they are said to be related to one of the top brass of the order, Geoffroi de Charney who was burned at the stake along with Molay, but who knows what's the truth.
  • Shroud of Valentinus: Bearing the name of the priest that that became the symbol for Valentine's Day, the Holy Shroud is called the Shroud of Lovers.
  • Shroud of Magdalene: The cloth possesses the ability to restrain men, rendering them unable to move while bound with it. It does not work on women. Specialized in "restraining," it is not able to directly harm those bound by it. The user is able to freely manipulate it, reaching out to grasp the target as if it has its own will.
  • Shroud of Nicholas:
  • Shroud of Patricius:

Relics of the Son of God
: Holy artifacts related to Jesus, typically recognized & managed by the Holy Church.
  • Holy Grail:
  • Holy Nail:
  • Blood Money: The 30 pieces of silver given to Judas for betraying Jesus, attributed to being a holy relic. Later given to Father Peter Livendis to summon Avenger during the Cairo Holy Grail War.
  • Holy Sliver: A sliver of the original Spear of Destiny. Used by Jackson to summon Lancer in the Niihau Holy Grail War.
  • Right Hand of Glory: Holy relic Mystic Codes made from the right arm of a sinner who was hanged. While the process to make them is difficult, they are common Mystic Codes with the ability of making people fall asleep. There is a particular Right Hand of Glory, made from a "special person's" right arm, that is sealed away by the Holy Church due to its exceptional nature.
  • 14 Relics, Monte Cristo Mythologie: A relic of the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament with the power to burn sins. This has the power to remake a person, a legend hidden in the mountain of Christ that represents the despair of those without God, the flames of hell, & the void. It is a power equal to that from the Age of Gods which forces a special Magic Circuit & Magic Crest into the user.
  • Skull of Mary Magdalene: A blackened skull, displayed in a golden reliquary at the basilica of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, in Southern France.
  • Delilah Razor: The razor Delilah used to cut Samson’s hair.
  • Hardened Clay: A piece from Josef’s original body.
  • Commandment: A piece of rock from the 10 commandments.
  • Elijah’s Cup: The fifth cup used for Passover Seder.
  • Skull of St. Brigid: The skull belonging to Saint Brigid of Kildare, brought back by the three knights.
  • Brigid's Cross: Saint Brigid's cross that be used to cure toxins.
  • Saw of the Zealot: The saw of St. Simon, blessed with the blood of a saint. It its said to have the ability to cut down heretics, so long as the wielder's faith doesn't waver.

: Powerful Conceptual Weapons that have only been granted to a few selected Executors. Scriptures are also used by individuals who are not Executors
  • Gamaliel: The holy shield used by Riesbyfe Stridberg. Also called True Apocrypha, Spear Key, or Gun Shield. A pile bunker shaped like a string instrument. The shield was forged from two apocryphal scriptures, the Apocalypse of Paul & the Greek Gospel of the Egyptians, & was revived by Riesbyfe.
  • Seventh Holy Scripture: Although it is called a scripture, it's actually an enormous pile bunker. An iron hammer created by the Holy Church in order to renounce the heretical doctrine of Reincarnation. It is said to be one of the Apocrypha that must never be removed from its resting place. A weapon, yet a scripture at the same time. It was created by felling a Unicorn, a beast said to consume Souls, then using its horn as a key. The surface of the horn is inscribed with every possible impeachment of reincarnation criticism. Crossing it with the deceased Spirit of a girl, it was made to prevent reincarnation. Since it's been almost a thousand years since it was first created, it even has an Elemental named Nanako living within it. Ciel is the first wielder of the Seventh Holy Scripture powerful enough to allow this spirit to manifest in physical form.
  • Scripture of the Stomach World: El Nahat, also known as Refraction, is the 24th of The 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors. He is currently sealed by the Holy Church, utilized by the Burial Agency as a special weapon against Dead Apostle Ancestors. The Holy Church treats him as an artifact called the Scripture of the Stomach World, the "ultimate anti-Dead Apostle trump card" held by the Burial Agency. Sealed in a room of mirrors, the First or Second of the Burial Agency are allowed to take him out, said to be invincible when utilizing him.
  • Holy Burial Artillery Scripture: A shotgun that fires magical bullets manufactured by the Church that is maintained by a person who loves firearms.
  • Holy Scripture Triten: Hibiki Hibino is a student attending Kagamisaki High School. She is the Holy Scripture Triten of Caubac Alcatraz. Triten was created by Caubac as a replica of all three components of a human being (mind, body, & soul) in text form, & by accident ended up being a model of the universe.


Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament Bishops Cardinals Executors
  • The Executors are the heretic inquisitors of the Holy Church established by the 120th Cardinal. They are not charged with the purpose of Daemon Exorcism, but rather have the task of Demon killing & the destruction of other heretical beings. It's known as the bloodiest department of the Church, called the Shura's Den for its responsibility of punishing heresies. It takes a certain amount of willpower to be part of it, & being able to achieve the title of "Executor" signifies that one is a first-rate murderer that has passed brutal & pious training to become mankind's weapon. Most executors are sent to an area in groups of two, a master & a disciple.
Knights Exorcists Burial Agency Templars

"Protecting the works of man in the name of the Lord."

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Church
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
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