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Saber of Erythraean

4 - Well trained
4 - Likeable
4 - Good effort

Fragarach: Nuada’s legendary sword.
Nuada's wish for the grail is to continue ruling with the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Body type

Nuada is inhabiting the body of Maria, the 21 year old girl that used to own the arm he was summoned with.


Emotional State

Nuada is a generally calm & fair king. Only disobeying her master if they are acting cruel or unfair. This however indirectly contradicts her own nature as a god of hunting. Thus she makes exceptions for prolific hunters.


In Irish mythology Nuada, known by the epithet Airgetlám (silver arm), was the first king of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He is also called Nechtan, Nuadu Necht & Elcmar, & is the husband of Boann. He is mostly known from the tale in which he loses his arm in battle, & thus his kingship, but regains it after being magically healed by Dian Cécht. Nuada is thought to have been a god & is related to the British & Gaulish god Nodens, who is associated with hunting & fishing. His Welsh equivalent is Nudd or Lludd Llaw Eraint. Nuada meaning to acquire through hunting, was the first king of the Tuatha Dé Danann & was considered a honest judicious ruler.

Fate/Erythraean's name is a reference to multiple servants in the HGW. With it's modern name, the red sea, referencing Nuada's voyage to Ireland.

First King of the Tuatha Dé Danann Nuada (a.k.a. Airgetlám (Silver Arm), Nodens, Lludd Llaw Ereint)

Noble Phantasm:

(EX): When Nuada points her sword at a person they cannot move or tell a lie.
Clach an Dàn (Stone of Destiny)(B): Nuada traps her opponent inside the Lia Flail before slicing it in half using the wind.  
: Riding, Mana Burst (Air), Answerer, Magic Resistance, Divinity (EX), Mana Burst (Water), Imperial Privilege
: Prosthetic Arm: A prosthetic arm formerly belonging to a girl named Maria.
: Valen
Holy Grail War
: Fate/Erythraean
: Losing his arm in a fight with Sreng.
: Faded away after losing the Holy Grail War.
Strength Endurance Agility
Mana Luck NP

Divine Domains

Fishing & hunting.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Nuada's left arm is replaced with a magical silver one.

Specialized Equipment

Ring of Silvianus: A golden ring given to Nuada by Silvanus before the Tuatha Dé Danann headed to Ireland.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When the Tuatha Dé Danann left for Ireland, Nuada brought the Lia Fáil with them. When the rightful High King of Ireland put his feet on the stone it roared in joy, thus it was used to coronate the various kings of Ireland. Nuada himself was coronated at this stone.
Nuada was king of the Tuatha Dé Danann for seven years before they came to Ireland. They made contact with the Fir Bolg, the then-inhabitants of the island, & Nuada sought from them half of the island for the Tuatha Dé, which their king rejected. Both peoples made ready for war, & in an act of chivalry allowed their numbers & arms to be inspected by the opposing side to allow for a truly fair battle. During this first great battle at Mag Tuired, Nuada lost his left arm in combat with the Fir Bolg champion Sreng. Nuada's ally, Aengaba of Norway, then fought Sreng, sustaining a mortal wound, while the Dagda protected Nuada. Fifty of the Dagda's soldiers carried Nuada from the field. The Tuatha Dé gained the upper hand in the battle, but Sreng later returned to challenge Nuada to single combat. Nuada accepted, on the condition that Sreng fought with one arm tied up. Sreng refused, but by this point the battle was won & the Fir Bolg all but vanquished. The Tuatha Dé then decided to offer Sreng one quarter of Ireland for his people instead of the one half offered before the battle, & he chose Connacht. Having lost his arm, Nuada was no longer eligible for kingship because of the Tuatha Dé tradition that their king must be physically perfect, & he was replaced as king by Bres, a half-Fomorian prince renowned for his beauty & intellect. The Fomorians were mythological enemies of the people of Ireland, & during Bres's reign they imposed great tribute on the Tuatha Dé, who became disgruntled with their new king's oppressive rule & lack of hospitality. By this time Nuada had his lost arm replaced by a working silver one by the physician Dian Cecht & the wright Creidhne. Bres was removed from the kingship, having ruled for seven years, & Nuada was restored. He ruled for twenty more years. Bres, aided by the Fomorian Balor of the Evil Eye, attempted to retake the kingship by force, war & continued oppression followed. When the youthful & vigorous Lugh joined Nuada's court, the king realised the multi-talented youth could lead the Tuatha Dé against the Fomorians, & stood down in his favour. The second Battle of Mag Tuired followed. Nuada was killed & beheaded in battle by Balor, but Lugh avenged him by killing Balor & led the Tuatha Dé to victory.

Morality & Philosophy

Inherently fair, offered the Fir Bolg weapons when they fought so the Tuatha Dé Danann didn't have an unfair advantage.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fishing, & hunting.
: One-eyed people, mystic eyes, & Darbh-Daol.



Ruled the Tuatha Dé Danann for 7 years before they came to Ireland. Then after a battle with Sreng lost the throne to Bres for another 7. Finally after getting his silver arm he reclaimed the throne & ruled for another 20 years before his death.

Contacts & Relations

Feels camaraderie with Cu, & Scathath. Calls Ferdiad & Medb, “descendants of the Fir Bolg”. King of Lugh.
: Lugh & Nuada have different ideas in battle. Nuada fights fairly in battle, believing that a victory isn't worth it of not won fair. Whereas Lugh fights to win, viewing any strategy as viable as long as it gets his victory. It's thanks to this that Nuada will often lose to Lugh in Fidchell. However they both respected each other. Despite Nuada being Lugh's king, they both treated each other as equals, with people often calling them the sun & moon.
Cú Chulainn: Nuada doesn't like Cu, for the one simple fact that he split apart the Lia Fáil. A sacred treasure Nuada brought to Ireland from his homeland.
Merlin: Merlin refers to Nuada as Lludd. Saying that he was the one responsible for the two dragons. Nuada denies these claims.

Family Ties

Son of Echtach. Brother of Dian Cécht & Goibniu. Husband to Boann. Father of Ethadon & Caicher. Grandfather of Gaible & Uillend. May be related to the sons of Érimón. Nuada is said to be the ancestor of all the good kings of Ireland.


Lancer of Genesis

King (Important)

Towards Saber of Erythraean



Saber of Erythraean

Successor (Important)

Towards Lancer of Genesis




Nuada first met Lugh when he came to Nuada's court. Lugh's various arts mastery impressed Nuada's generals. Nuada then wondered if Lugh could lead the Tuatha Dé Danann to freedom & promoted him to be a general.

Nicknames & Petnames

People often call Lugh & Nuada the Sun & Moon.

Relationship Reasoning

Despite Nuada being Lugh's king, they both respected & treated each other as equals. However they have different ideas of battle. Nuada fights fairly in battle, believing that a victory isn't worth it of not won fair. Whereas Lugh fights to win, viewing any strategy as viable as long as it gets his victory.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Nuada & Lugh both enjoy Fidchell, though Lugh often wins thanks to his cunning.


Master (Important)

Towards Saber of Erythraean



Saber of Erythraean

Servant (Important)

Towards Valen




Valen summoned Nuada using a prosthetic arm formerly belonging to a girl named Maria. Their contract ended once Valen died & his last command seal was transferred to Touma.

Relationship Reasoning

Nuada is a noble & fair king who stands up for anything unjust. Valen is an insane sadist who likes to watch how various poisons affect the human body.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

The only common trait Nuada & Valen share is a love for hunting, though they both have a different viewpoint on it.

Divine Classification
Lawful Good.
Body: 21. Actual: >34.
Date of Birth
October 15,
Circumstances of Birth
Born to Echtach.
Circumstances of Death
Beheaded by Balor.
Tír na nÓg
Place of Death
Body: Female. Actual: Male.
Body: Long pink. Actual: Maroon
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I send my love into this silver left arm. Slice away darkness, cut apart evil, release my power. Stone of Destiny!"
"Cuirim mo ghrá isteach sa lámh chlé airgid seo. Sleamhnaigh an dorchadas, gearr as a chéile an t-olc, scaoil mo chumhacht. Cloch na Cinniúint!"
Known Languages

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