

The Free Population of Accreton (945)

Free Population of Accreton

  • Number of free individuals: 11,837 (40% of the total population)
  • Majority of the free individuals belong to the Human and Magi ethnic groups with a smaller Nightwalker population
  • The Enslaved Population of Accreton (945)


  • Number of enslaved individuals: 17,756 (60% of the total population)
  • Majority of enslaved individuals belong are humans with a smaller Ananan population
  • Age Distribution:
  • Children (0-17 years): Approximately 35% of the total population
  • Adults (18-64 years): Approximately 55% of the total population
  • Seniors (65+ years): Approximately 10% of the total population
  • Education:
  • Access to education varies for enslaved individuals, with limited opportunities for formal education
  • Free individuals have access to primary, secondary, and higher education institutions
  • Economic Status:
  • Enslaved individuals: Work primarily in manual labor, agriculture, or domestic service
  • Free individuals: Engaged in various industries such as textile production, mining, fabrication, and farming
  • Housing:
  • Enslaved individuals: Typically live in communal or designated slave quarters
  • Free individuals: Reside in a mix of apartments, townhouses, and detached houses
  • Health and Well-being:
  • Enslaved individuals: Limited access to healthcare and lower health outcomes compared to free individuals
  • Free individuals: Access to healthcare facilities and services, including hospitals and clinics
  • Transportation:
  • Enslaved individuals: Reliant on the transportation provided by their owners or overseers
  • Free individuals: Access to public transportation such as buses and trains, as well as private vehicles
  • Government

    Like most towns, there are three influences over the governance. In Accreton, this is Shepshire County Council, the Weaver's Guild and the Anglican Church. The relations between Shepshire County Council, the Weavers Guild, and the Angelism Church in Accreton are generally cooperative and interdependent. They recognize the importance of collaboration to maintain the overall well-being of the town. While each faction has its distinct role and influence, they often work together to address common challenges, such as economic development, social welfare, and cultural preservation.

    Jesper Rousseau, the nobleman representing Shepshire, acts as a liaison between the council, the guild, and the church. He plays a crucial role in facilitating communication and cooperation among the factions, ensuring that their respective interests are taken into account in decision-making processes. While occasional disagreements may arise, the overall aim is to foster a harmonious relationship that benefits Accreton and its residents.


    Shepshire County Council

    Shepshire County Council is the local governing body responsible for the administration and governance of Shepshire County, which includes the town of Accreton in Favont. The council represents the interests of the residents and strives to provide essential public services, maintain infrastructure, and support community development. The council's decisions and policies shape the overall direction and priorities of the county.

    The council plays a significant role in Accreton by overseeing local governance, managing public services, and promoting community development. The council ensures that the town has access to quality education, social services, transportation, and other essential facilities. It collaborates with Accreton's governing guilds and the Angelism Church to address the town's needs and foster its growth.

    The Weaver's Guild

    The Weavers Guild is the governing guild in Accreton, representing the interests of the textile industry and weavers in the town. It comprises skilled artisans and craftsmen who specialize in weaving and fabric production. The guild's primary role is to regulate and promote the local textile trade, ensuring high-quality standards and protecting the interests of its members.

    The guild has a significant influence on Accreton's economy, as textiles are a core industry of the town. The guild sets guidelines for production, quality control, and trade practices, ensuring that Accreton's textiles maintain a reputation for excellence. It plays a vital role in supporting local weavers, fostering their skills, and preserving traditional weaving techniques. The guild collaborates with the council and the church to promote the town's economic prosperity and cultural heritage.

    The Church

    The Angelism Church holds significant influence in Accreton, as it plays a central role in the religious and moral fabric of the town. It provides spiritual support and guidance to the residents, and its teachings often align with traditional values and customs. The church maintains close ties with the council and the guild, fostering collaboration on matters of community welfare, cultural celebrations, and moral principles.

    Together, Shepshire County Council, the Weavers Guild, and the Angelism Church contribute to the social, economic, and cultural landscape of Accreton. Their collaborative efforts aim to create a thriving and well-rounded community that upholds its traditions, supports its industries, and provides for the spiritual and practical needs of its inhabitants.

    Industry & Trade

    • Textile Production:

      Textile manufacturing is the backbone of Accreton's economy. The town's three woollen mills, including two museums, symbolize its rich history and expertise in producing high-quality textiles. The industry supports numerous skilled weavers, dyers, and designers, attracting both local and international demand for their products.

      Accreton's textile industry exports a wide range of textiles, including fabrics, garments, and specialty woven products. These goods are sought after both domestically and internationally, supplying fashion retailers, interior designers, and textile wholesalers around the world. Accreton's textiles are known for their craftsmanship, quality, and unique designs.

      Royal Accreton is the intentionally recognised textile manufacturer

    • Aggregate Mining:

      Accreton is known for its aggregate mining operations, run by Stonecrest, which involve extracting sand, gravel, and crushed stone. These materials are essential for construction projects, including road building and infrastructure development in the region.

      The aggregate mining sector in Accreton supports the construction industry by providing essential materials for infrastructure projects. Local aggregate companies supply sand, gravel, and crushed stone to construction firms and contractors, meeting the demand for building roads, bridges, and other structures within Accreton and beyond.

    • Animal Feed Production:

      The town supports a thriving animal feed production company called Accri-Pro. Local farms and agriculture contribute to the production of nutritious and high-quality animal feeds, catering to the needs of livestock farmers in Accreton and surrounding areas.

      Accreton's animal feed production industry serves the needs of livestock farmers in the region. The town's feed producers supply a range of high-quality feeds for various types of livestock, including cattle, poultry, and swine. These feeds are distributed through local feed stores and agricultural cooperatives, supporting the agricultural sector in Accreton and neighboring areas.

    • Cheese and Butter Production:

      Accreton has a flourishing dairy industry, specializing in cheese and butter production. Local farms provide a steady supply of milk, which is processed into various types of cheeses and creamy butter renowned for their flavor and quality.

      Accreton's dairy industry produces a variety of cheeses and butter, which find their way to local markets and are also exported to other regions. The town's dairy products are known for their quality and unique flavors, attracting buyers from gourmet food stores, specialty cheese shops, and restaurants. Silverstream Cheese is known for its delicate falvour and crumbly texture.

    • Engine and Turbine Fabrication:

      Accreton houses manufacturing facilities engaged in the fabrication of engines and turbines. Skilled engineers and technicians contribute to the production of these essential components used in various industries, including power generation, manufacturing, and transportation.

      Accreton's engine and turbine fabrication industry manufactures components used in various sectors, including power generation, manufacturing, and transportation. The products, such as engines, turbines, and their parts, are sold to equipment manufacturers and incorporated into larger systems or machinery. Some of these products may be exported to meet the demand of international markets.

    • Sheep and Dairy Farming:

      The town's favorable agricultural conditions support sheep and dairy farming. Local farmers raise sheep for wool production and maintain dairy herds, supplying milk for cheese, butter, and other dairy products.

      Accreton's sheep and dairy farming sector contributes to the trade of wool, milk, cheese, butter, and other dairy products. These products are distributed both locally and regionally, supplying supermarkets, local markets, and specialty food stores. Additionally, certain dairy products may be exported to meet international demand.

    • Footwear Manufacturing:

      Silverstep Footwear is made in Accreton. Skilled artisans craft high-quality shoes, boots, and other footwear products using traditional techniques and modern design innovations.

      Accreton's footwear manufacturing industry produces a range of shoes and boots. These products are distributed through local retail outlets, footwear stores, and online platforms, catering to the needs of local consumers. Some footwear manufacturers may also engage in exporting their products to reach wider markets.

    • Soap and Detergent Production:

      The town is home to soap and detergent production facility, Shepshire Soaps These companies produce a range of cleaning and personal care products, catering to both local and regional markets.

      Accreton's soap and detergent production facilities supply a range of cleaning and personal care products to local markets and retailers. These products include soaps, detergents, cleaning agents, and personal care items. Some manufacturers may also export their products to regional markets or international buyers.

    • Wine Production:

      Accreton boasts vineyards and wineries that produce a variety of wines under the name of Ruanscape. The town's favorable climate and fertile soil create ideal conditions for grape cultivation, resulting in the production of flavorful wines enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.

      Accreton's vineyards and wineries produce a variety of wines, which are marketed locally and regionally. Accreton's wines are known for their distinct flavors and quality, appealing to wine enthusiasts, restaurants, and wine retailers. Some wineries may also export their wines to international markets, showcasing the town's winemaking expertise.



    Accreton Workforce


    • Woollen Mills: Accreton's textile industry has deep roots, and while the town once had three operational woollen mills, two of them have been transformed into museums. These museums showcase the town's textile history, displaying traditional weaving techniques, antique machinery, and exquisite fabric samples. They serve as important cultural landmarks, attracting tourists and educating visitors about Accreton's industrial past.
    • Train Station: Accreton features a centrally located train station that connects the town with other destinations, including nearby towns like Skeard, Seddon, and Holm. The train station provides reliable transportation options for commuters and travellers, facilitating regional connectivity and contributing to the local economy.
    • Bus Station: Complementing the train station, Accreton also operates a well-organised bus station. The bus station is a hub for local and regional bus routes, offering convenient and accessible public transportation for residents and visitors alike.
    • Canal System with Locks: Accreton's canal system, complete with locks, remains an important historical feature of the town. While no longer actively used for trade and commerce, the canals contribute to the town's charm and serve as a reminder of Accreton's past as a bustling centre for waterborne transportation.
    • Educational Facilities: The town has two primary schools that provide a solid foundation for young students. Additionally, Accreton boasts two secondary schools, one offering higher education programs, nurturing students' academic growth and preparing them for future endeavours. The presence of a college further expands educational opportunities, allowing individuals to pursue specialised fields of study.
    • Slave Training Facility (Controversial): Accreton includes a slave training facility. This facility is utilised for the training and conditioning of enslaved individuals.
    • Solar and Wind Farm: Accreton is committed to sustainable energy by incorporating solar and wind farms into its infrastructure. These renewable energy sources contribute to the town's energy needs, reducing reliance on traditional power generation methods and promoting a greener and more environmentally friendly approach to energy production.
    • Wastewater and Sewage Processing: Accreton places emphasis on maintaining a clean and healthy environment by investing in wastewater and sewage processing facilities. These facilities ensure proper treatment and disposal of wastewater, minimising environmental impact and ensuring the community's well-being.
    • Hospital: Accreton is equipped with a modern hospital that provides comprehensive healthcare services to residents. The hospital offers emergency care, medical treatments, surgeries, and specialised healthcare, catering to the well-being and medical needs of the town's inhabitants.
    •   Local News Agency and Radio Broadcaster: To keep residents informed and connected, Accreton boasts a local news agency and radio broadcaster. These media outlets provide up-to-date news, community updates, and cultural programming that adhere to the values of Favont, fostering a sense of community cohesion and facilitating communication within the town.


    1. Accreton Town
      Accreton Town serves as the heart and central district of the town. It is the main commercial and administrative hub, bustling with activity and offering a variety of amenities. The district features a charming town center with historic buildings, including the town hall and local shops. Here, residents and visitors can find a diverse range of businesses, such as textile boutiques, craft stores, and cafes. Accreton Town also hosts cultural events and festivals, attracting people from both within and outside the town.
    3. Eads
      Eads is a residential district in Accreton, known for its peaceful and family-friendly atmosphere. It is characterized by tree-lined streets and well-maintained homes, providing a serene and comfortable living environment. Eads features a mix of detached houses, townhouses, and apartments, accommodating a diverse range of residents. The district offers recreational spaces like parks and playgrounds, fostering a sense of community and providing spaces for outdoor activities.
    5. Marchand
      Marchand is an industrial district of Accreton, located on the outskirts of the town. This district is primarily dedicated to supporting the textile industry and manufacturing sector. It houses several industrial complexes, factories, and warehouses involved in the production and distribution of textiles. Marchand's proximity to the woollen mills and other textile-related facilities makes it an important area for employment and economic activity. While Marchand is predominantly industrial, efforts are made to balance it with green spaces and ensure the well-being of workers and residents.
    7. Wooler
      Wooler is a district in Accreton that takes pride in its historical significance as a major center for wool processing and weaving. It is home to the remaining operational woollen mill, which continues to produce high-quality textiles. Wooler is characterized by its picturesque landscapes, with rolling hills and meadows dotted with grazing sheep. The district offers opportunities for visitors to learn about traditional weaving techniques and experience the rich textile heritage of Accreton. Wooler also features artisanal craft shops and studios, where local weavers and artists showcase their creations.
    9. Ruan
      Ruan is a residential and rural district located on the outskirts of Accreton. It offers a tranquil and scenic environment, featuring sprawling farmlands, orchards, and country houses. Ruan provides a peaceful retreat from the bustling town center, attracting residents who seek a quieter and more nature-oriented lifestyle. The district offers opportunities for agricultural activities, including farming and horticulture. Residents of Ruan can enjoy the beauty of the countryside, engage in outdoor pursuits, and savor the fresh produce grown in the region.

    Guilds and Factions

    The Weaver's Guild of Accreton holds considerable political and lobbying influence within the town. As the governing guild for the textile industry, they actively engage with local authorities and policymakers to shape legislation and policies that impact the weaving and textile sector.


    One of the primary political influences of the guild is their ability to advocate for the interests of weavers and artisans. They work closely with local government officials, including council members and representatives, to ensure that the needs and concerns of the guild and its members are taken into account when making decisions that affect the industry. Through regular meetings, consultations, and lobbying efforts, they aim to influence policies related to trade regulations, taxation, licensing, and other aspects relevant to the textile sector.


    The guild also plays a crucial role in promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of weaving within the political landscape. They advocate for the recognition and support of traditional weaving techniques, ensuring that they are protected and passed on to future generations. They may lobby for funding and resources to establish weaving schools, training programs, or museums dedicated to preserving the craft's history and cultural significance.


    Additionally, the Weaver's Guild utilizes its influence to foster collaborations and partnerships between weavers, designers, and other stakeholders in the industry. They may facilitate discussions and negotiations between different parties, such as textile manufacturers, retailers, and artisans, to create opportunities for growth and innovation within the sector. By doing so, they contribute to the overall economic development and reputation of Accreton as a hub for textile excellence.


    Being a member of the Weaver's Guild comes with various social benefits. Guild members have access to a network of fellow weavers, providing opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and mentorship. The guild organizes social gatherings and events, fostering a sense of camaraderie among members and creating a supportive community. Additionally, guild membership offers credibility and recognition within the industry, helping weavers gain visibility and access to potential customers and markets.


    Overall, the political and lobbying influences of the Weaver's Guild of Accreton are focused on advocating for the interests of weavers, promoting the cultural heritage of the craft, and shaping policies that support the growth and sustainability of the textile industry. Through their active engagement with local authorities and policymakers, they strive to ensure favorable conditions for the guild's members and the wider weaving community in Accreton.

    Points of interest

    • Accreton Town
    • Accreton Guildhall: A historic building that serves as the administrative center for the town.
    • St. Marigold's Church: A beautiful church with intricate stained glass windows and a tall bell tower.
    • Riverside Park: A serene park along the river, perfect for picnics and leisurely walks.
    • Weaver's Square: The heart of the town's textile industry, with bustling shops and market stalls.
    • Accreton Museum: Housed in a converted woollen mill, it showcases the town's rich textile heritage.
    • Eads
    • Eads Manor: A grand estate known for its stunning gardens and architectural beauty.
    • Eads Mills: Former textile mills that have been transformed into art galleries and craft workshops.
    • Eads Bridge: A picturesque bridge spanning the river, offering scenic views of the surrounding area.
    • Eads Market Square: A vibrant marketplace where locals gather to sell and trade their goods.
    • Eads Community Center: A hub for community events, classes, and gatherings.
    • Marchand
    • Marchand Gardens: Lush gardens filled with vibrant flowers, walking paths, and tranquil water features.
    • Marchand Hall: A historic mansion known for its elegant architecture and hosting cultural events.
    • Marchand Library: A public library offering a vast collection of books and a cozy reading atmosphere.
    • Marchand Square: A bustling plaza lined with shops, cafes, and street performers.
    • Marchand Gallery: Showcasing local artists' works, it's a hub for art enthusiasts and cultural events.
    • Wooler
    • Wooler Mill: A functioning woollen mill producing high-quality textiles using traditional methods.
    • Wooler Park: A sprawling green space with playgrounds, sports fields, and a serene lake.
    • Wooler Brewery: Known for its craft beers, it offers tours and tastings for visitors.
    • Wooler Heritage Center: Preserving the town's history, it hosts exhibits and educational programs.
    • Wooler Market: A vibrant market where local farmers and artisans sell their goods.
    • Ruan
    • Ruan Castle: A majestic castle perched atop a hill, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
    • Ruan Abbey: A centuries-old abbey known for its stunning architecture and serene atmosphere.
    • Ruan Square: A lively square filled with cafes, shops, and a central fountain.
    • Ruan Gardens: Beautifully landscaped gardens perfect for relaxation and enjoying nature.
    • Ruan Theatre: A cultural hub hosting live performances, plays, and concerts.


  • Textile enthusiasts: They visit the woollen mills turned museums to learn about the town's rich textile heritage and witness traditional weaving techniques.
  • History buffs: They explore the Accreton Museum and Guildhall to delve into the town's past and discover artifacts from its industrial era.
  • Outdoor enthusiasts: They enjoy the picturesque Riverside Park, strolling along the river, and perhaps even trying their hand at fishing.
  • Shopaholics: They explore Weaver's Square, browsing through a variety of shops and stalls selling locally produced textiles and crafts.
  • Accommodation: Visitors can find accommodations in charming guesthouses and bed and breakfast establishments within the town or nearby.
  • Eads
  • Nature lovers: They appreciate the beautifully landscaped gardens and parks, such as Eads Manor's gardens and the green spaces around the town.
  • Art enthusiasts: They visit Eads Mills' galleries and craft workshops, where they can admire and purchase unique artworks and crafts.
  • Architecture admirers: They marvel at the stunning Eads Bridge and explore the historic buildings, including Eads Manor and the town's architectural gems.
  • Food and drink aficionados: They enjoy local cuisine and sample craft beers at the Wooler Brewery.
  • Accommodation: Eads offers a range of accommodations, from cozy inns to self-catering cottages, providing a comfortable stay for tourists.
  • Marchand
  • Cultural enthusiasts: They visit Marchand Hall for its cultural events, attend performances at the Ruan Theatre, and explore the exhibits at the Heritage Center.
  • Bookworms: They find solace in the Marchand Library, immersing themselves in a wide selection of books and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Food lovers: They savor the local flavors at restaurants and cafes in Marchand Square, indulging in traditional and international cuisines.
  • Explorers: They wander through the picturesque Marchand Gardens, enjoying the beauty of the carefully landscaped green spaces and water features.
  • Accommodation: Marchand offers cozy guesthouses, charming B&Bs, and even a few boutique hotels to accommodate visitors.
  • Wooler
  • Outdoor enthusiasts: They embark on hikes or scenic walks in the surrounding countryside, taking in the natural beauty and fresh air.
  • History and heritage seekers: They visit Wooler Mill to witness the traditional textile production process and explore the Wooler Heritage Center.
  • Farmers' market enthusiasts: They frequent the Wooler Market, where local farmers and artisans showcase their fresh produce, crafts, and homemade goods.
  • Accommodation: Visitors can find accommodations in charming country inns, farm stays, or cozy cottages nestled in the picturesque surroundings.
  • Ruan
  • History and architecture lovers: They visit Ruan Castle, admiring its grandeur and panoramic views, and explore the tranquil Ruan Abbey.
  • Nature enthusiasts: They enjoy the beauty of Ruan Gardens, taking leisurely walks, picnicking, or simply finding peace amidst nature.
  • Cultural explorers: They attend performances at the Ruan Theatre, participate in local festivals, and immerse themselves in the town's artistic atmosphere.
  • Accommodation: Ruan offers a range of accommodations, including boutique hotels, charming guesthouses, and country inns, providing a comfortable stay for tourists.
  • Architecture


    Industrial Heritage: Accreton showcases the remnants of its industrial past in the form of converted mills and factories. These buildings feature a combination of sturdy brickwork, large windows, and spacious interiors, reflecting the utilitarian and functional design of the industrial era.


    Victorian Elegance: Eads boasts a prominent Victorian architectural influence. You can find elegant Victorian townhouses and buildings with ornate facades, intricate detailing, and decorative elements like bay windows, cornices, and ironwork. The grandeur and charm of the Victorian era are reflected in the architectural aesthetics.


    Georgian and Regency Style: Marchand exhibits a significant influence of Georgian and Regency architectural styles. The buildings often feature symmetrical facades, sash windows, decorative molding, and classical elements such as columns and pediments. The use of local stone and harmonious proportions adds to the architectural appeal.


    Rural Charm: Wooler embraces a more rustic and rural architectural style. You can find traditional stone cottages and farmhouses with thatched or slate roofs, exposed beams, and a cozy, traditional aesthetic. The use of natural materials and earthy tones creates a harmonious blend with the surrounding countryside.


    Medieval and Gothic Influence: Ruan showcases a strong medieval and Gothic architectural influence. The town features structures such as Ruan Castle and Ruan Abbey, which exhibit characteristic elements like pointed arches, ribbed vaults, ornate stone carvings, and towering spires. The architecture evokes a sense of history and a connection to the medieval past.


    Accreton is surrounded by three rivers, which not only provide a natural boundary to the town but also contribute to its scenic beauty. The River Eyr, River Wyke, and River Mael flow along the borders of Accreton, enhancing its appeal and offering opportunities for water-based activities.

    The town is nestled amidst gentle, rolling hills that add to its natural beauty. These hills provide a scenic backdrop and create a pleasing visual landscape. They also offer opportunities for hiking, nature walks, and exploration.

    The outskirts of Accreton are characterized by fertile farmlands, where agriculture thrives. These agricultural areas contribute to the local economy and provide a picturesque countryside with fields of crops and grazing livestock.

    Accreton is surrounded by pockets of lush green forests, contributing to its natural appeal. These forested areas are home to various flora and fauna, and they offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the local biodiversity.


    Yearly Climate Data for Accreton

    Natural Resources

    • Wool: The abundance of sheep farming in the area provides a significant natural resource in the form of wool. The high-quality wool is utilized by the textile industry in Accreton and other districts for the production of various woolen products.
    • Agricultural Resources: The fertile land in and around Accreton supports agricultural activities, providing resources such as grains, vegetables, and fruits. These resources contribute to local food production and supply.
    • Water Resources: The three rivers surrounding Accreton—mentioned earlier as the River Eyr, River Wyke, and River Mael—provide a valuable water resource. The rivers not only support agriculture but also serve as a means of transportation for goods and people.
    • Stone and Minerals: The region is known for its rich deposits of stone and minerals, which support industries like aggregate mining and quarrying. These resources are utilized in construction, road building, and other infrastructure projects.
    • Renewable Energy: Accreton takes advantage of its geographical location and natural resources to harness renewable energy. The presence of wind farms and solar farms indicates the utilization of wind and sunlight for generating clean energy.
    Accreton Shield
    Large town