Aq'ridan Spell in Favont | World Anvil


Aq'ridan magic is a unique form of elemental manipulation possessed by Ananans, granting them unparalleled control over the element of water. Through transmutation, Aq'ridan Ananans can transform themselves and objects into water or dust, enabling passage through barriers and infiltration of water-containing entities. They shape and manipulate water, control its flow, project it for offensive or defensive purposes, and exhibit healing abilities. Aq'ridan Ananans can also influence the environment by controlling moisture, creating illusions using water, erecting water barriers, and unleashing water-based attacks. They demonstrate adaptability underwater, purify water sources, and manipulate ice. Guided by ethics, Aq'ridan Ananans use their magic responsibly in various aspects of daily life.


  • Water Transmutation: Enables the transformation of themselves and objects into water, allowing passage through barriers.
  • Dust Transmutation: Provides the ability to convert themselves and objects into dust, offering unique advantages.
  • Flow Manipulation: Controls the movement and direction of water.
  • Water Manipulation: Shapes and manipulates water's shape, volume, and pressure.
  • Water Projection: Projects water in various forms for offensive or defensive purposes.
  • Healing and Restoration: Utilises water's restorative properties to heal wounds and ailments.
  • Hydrokinesis: Telekinetically controls bodies of water.
  • Underwater Adaptation: Breathes and moves freely underwater.
  • Moisture Manipulation: Controls moisture in the air, creating fog, mist, or rain.
  • Water-based Illusions: Creates realistic illusions using water.
  • Infiltration: Enters objects partly made of water, such as people or animals.
  • Defensive Manipulation: Creates water barriers or shields for defence.
  • Offensive Power: Unleashes water-based attacks and manipulates water currents.
  • Environmental Influence: Controls water flow, creates rain or causes floods.
  • Purification: Cleanses water sources from impurities.
  • Transportation: Travels through narrow spaces and water systems as water.
  • Ice Manipulation: Manipulates ice by controlling water in its frozen state, adding defensive and offensive capabilities.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • Dehydration: Extensive use of Aq'ridan can cause dehydration due to the manipulation and transmutation of water.
  • Frostbite: Improper handling of ice manipulation can lead to frostbite for the Ananans and those nearby.
  • Water Contamination: Careless water manipulation may result in contamination, affecting the purity of water sources.
  • Erosion and Property Damage: Uncontrolled water flow or floods caused by Aq'ridan can result in erosion and damage to the environment and structures.
  • Disruption of Ecosystems: Excessive manipulation of water bodies can disrupt aquatic ecosystems, impacting the flora and fauna residing in them.
  • Human/Animal Discomfort: Manipulating moisture in the air or causing rain may lead to discomfort for humans and animals in the affected area.
  • Energy Drain: Extensive use of Aq'ridan requires significant energy expenditure, potentially leading to exhaustion and fatigue.
  • Environmental Imbalance: Manipulating water sources without caution can disturb natural water cycles, leading to environmental imbalances.


Aq'ridan manifests as a visual spectacle showcasing the power of water through manipulation and creation. The movement of water can range from a gentle trickling to a roaring waterfall, accompanied by corresponding sounds. Surfaces transformed into solidified water feel weightless and cool to the touch. When completely hydrated, the sensation is coarse and dry. The manipulation of moisture can affect smells in the air, and purified water tastes pure and clean.


The source of Aq'ridan magic for Ananans lies in their inherent abilities and their deep connection to elemental magic. Ananans can manipulate the molecules within themselves and anything they touch, granting them control over water and its transformative properties. This power allows them to transmute themselves and objects into water or dust, manipulate the movement and shape of water, and project it in various forms. To reconnect with their magic and enhance their abilities, Ananans meditate, delving into deep states of introspection and focus. Through meditation, they strengthen their bond with the elemental forces and tap into the full potential of Aq'ridan, unlocking its vast range of abilities and enabling precise control over water and its related manifestations.


  • Hygiene: Transforming into water to clean hard-to-reach areas or washing away dirt and impurities.
  • Housework: Manipulating water flow for efficient cleaning, such as directing water for mopping or creating controlled water currents for washing dishes.
  • Work: Using water projection for tasks requiring precision, such as shaping water for sculpting or creating water-based illusions for presentations.
  • Parenting: Calming children by creating soothing rain or mist and using healing abilities to address minor injuries or ailments.
  • School and Education: Assisting in experiments or demonstrations that involve water manipulation, fostering interactive and engaging learning experiences.
  • Health: Healing wounds or soothing ailments through the restorative properties of water, promoting physical well-being and aiding in recovery.
  • Food and Drink: Enhancing the dining experience by creating illusory sensations or purifying water for safe consumption.
  • Travel: Manipulating water currents to aid in swimming or creating temporary water bridges for crossing bodies of water.
  • Dress: Using water manipulation to dry clothes quickly or create temporary protective water barriers against rain.
  • Socializing: Creating a comfortable atmosphere by controlling moisture levels and temperature, ensuring pleasant conditions for social gatherings.
  • Religious Festivals: Manipulating water flow, creating rain or mist for ceremonial purposes, enhancing the spiritual experience.
  • Cultural Pursuits: Incorporating water-based illusions in artistic performances, theatre, or visual arts.
  • Sports: Enhancing athletic performance by using hydrokinesis to improve swimming speed, control water currents for surfing, or create water barriers for defensive purposes.
  • Weather and Environment: Controlling water flow to prevent flooding, influencing rainfall patterns for agricultural purposes or drought relief, and purifying water sources to support ecosystems.
  • Transportation: Transforming into water for seamless travel through narrow spaces or utilizing water systems for efficient movement.


  • Meditation
  • connect with the elemental forces and enhance their Aq'ridan abilities.
  • Breathing Techniques
  • specific techniques to visualise the flow of water and harmonise their energy with the water element.
  • Elemental Affirmation
  • mantras acknowledging their connection to water, expressing gratitude and affirming their mastery over it.
  • Ritual Tools
  • water-filled bowl to deepen their connection with water, using aquamarine or moonstone crystals to amplify their intentions.
  • Gestures & Ritual
    Related Element
    Effect Duration
    a few seconds to a few minutes, longer requires greater strength
    Effect Casting Time
    100 m
    Applied Restriction
  • Must be...
  • of good health
  • emotionally balanced
  • hydrated
  • well rested
  • Expected to...
  • understand the ethics of use
  • respect the environment
  • respect people
  • present the ability favorably
  • Also Known As
  • Water demons
  • Mermaids
  • The Drowned
  • Known Aq'ridan
  • Katya Belmonte
  • Meridian
  • Mala Vasparada