The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct

The contents of this article do not represent the personal feelings of the author. This article is a representation of an attitude in the fantasy world of Favont


The purpose of The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct is to establish a set of rules and guidelines that govern the behaviour and obligations of indentured servants within a specific household or institution. It serves as a comprehensive framework to ensure compliance, maintain order, and uphold the values and expectations of the indentured servant system.

The code of conduct aims to achieve several key objectives:

  1. Establishing Order: The code outlines clear expectations and standards of behaviour for indentured servants, promoting a structured and disciplined environment within the household. It sets the parameters for their conduct, responsibilities, and interactions with superiors and fellow servants.
  3. Preserving Hierarchy: The code reinforces the hierarchical structure inherent in the indentured servant system by emphasising protocols for addressing superiors and owners. It ensures that servants demonstrate proper respect, deference, and subordination to their superiors.
  5. Ensuring Compliance: The code delineates specific rules and regulations that indentured servants must follow, leaving no room for ambiguity or subjective interpretation. It aims to create a culture of strict adherence to the established norms and guidelines, minimising instances of disobedience or misconduct.
  7. Fostering Unity and Responsibility: The code promotes a sense of collective responsibility among servants by highlighting the impact of their actions on their fellow servants and the smooth functioning of the household. It encourages servants to work together, support one another, and contribute to the overall welfare of the household.
  9. Upholding Loyalty: The code reinforces the concept of loyalty and fidelity among indentured servants. It emphasises the importance of their commitment to their assigned household and superiors, discouraging actions that may undermine trust or loyalty.
  11. Providing Guidance: The code offers explicit instructions and expectations to indentured servants, guiding their behaviour and helping them navigate their roles and responsibilities. It clarifies the boundaries, obligations, and privileges associated with their position.

Overall, The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct serves as a tool for maintaining control, promoting order, and preserving the hierarchical structure of the indentured servant system. It aims to ensure compliance, instils discipline, and foster a harmonious environment within indentured servants' households or institutions.

Document Structure


The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct encompasses various clauses that outline the expectations and obligations of indentured servants within a particular household or institution. Here is an overview of the clauses typically found in such a code:

  1. Superior Addressing Protocol: Indentured servants must address their superiors with respect and deference, using appropriate titles and honorifics.
  3. Restricted Movement: Indentured servants must comply with limitations on their ability to leave the premises without explicit permission or a designated purpose.
  5. Adherence to Work Schedule: Indentured servants are expected to maintain unwavering dedication and comply with their superiors' prescribed work hours and duties.
  7. Enforced Limitations on Relationships: Indentured servants are prohibited from engaging in romantic or intimate relationships outside the household or without the consent of their owners, as per the control measures established.
  9. Prescribed Boundaries: Indentured servants are provided with designated areas or quarters within the premises where they can reside and engage in certain activities.
  11. Enforced Dress Code and Personal Appearance Standards: Indentured servants must adhere to the specified dress code and personal grooming standards determined by their superiors.
  13. Strict Adherence to Confidentiality Protocols: Indentured servants must maintain strict confidentiality regarding the household's affairs, conversations, and activities.
  15. Unquestionable Obedience and Respect for Superiors: Indentured servants must exhibit absolute obedience and respect towards their superiors, following their instructions without hesitation.
  17. Ownership of Property: Indentured servants are strictly prohibited from possessing or claiming ownership of any household property.
  19. Ownership and Control over the Servant's Body: Owners maintain control and authority over the bodies of indentured servants, regulating matters such as pregnancy and physical well-being.
  21. Training: Indentured servants are required to undergo training to develop and enhance their skills in fulfilling their assigned tasks.
  23. Corrective Actions for Non-Compliance: The code of conduct specifies the corrective actions and disciplinary measures that will be taken in the event of non-compliance or violation of the established rules.
  25. Code of Conduct for Owners: The code includes a section outlining the conduct expected of owners towards their indentured servants, emphasising fair treatment, provision of basic needs, and protection of property.

These clauses collectively establish a comprehensive framework to regulate indentured servants' behaviour, responsibilities, and relationships within the designated institution.


The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct, while serving as a set of guidelines and expectations, also has several caveats that are important to consider:

  1. Power Imbalance: The code of conduct is inherently based on a power dynamic where the owners or superiors hold significant authority over the indentured servants. This power imbalance can lead to exploitation or abuse if not carefully managed.
  3. Limited Agency: Indentured servants have limited agency and autonomy as their superiors strictly regulate their actions, movements, and relationships. Their freedoms and choices are restricted to ensure compliance with the code.
  5. Lack of Legal Protection: Indentured servants have limited legal protections or recourse if they face mistreatment or violations of their rights within the confines of the code. Their dependency on their owners or superiors makes asserting their rights or seeking justice challenging.
  7. Ethical Concerns: The code raises ethical concerns regarding individuals' treatment, control, and ownership as property. It can be viewed as an oppressive system that denies indentured servants basic human rights and dignity.
  9. Subjectivity and Interpretation: The code of conduct may leave room for subjective interpretation by the owners or superiors, potentially resulting in an inconsistent application or biased treatment of indentured servants.
  11. Lack of Consent: Indentured servants have entered into their servitude under various circumstances, including economic necessity or coercion. The code assumes their compliance without considering the nuances of their consent or the potential for exploitation.
  13. Limited Social Interactions: The restrictions on relationships and social interactions can lead to isolation and a lack of emotional support for indentured servants. They may experience loneliness or feel disconnected from the broader social fabric.
  15. Limited Future Opportunities: Indentured servants may face limited personal and professional growth prospects due to their restricted movements, controlled schedules, and limited education or skill development outside their assigned duties.

It is essential to critically examine the caveats and implications of The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct to ensure indentured servants' fair treatment and well-being while addressing the broader ethical and social considerations associated with such systems of servitude.

Legal status

Historical Details


The Indentured Servant Code of Conduct is a document that was introduced to regulate the behaviour and treatment of indentured servants during the period of Reconstruction in Favont.


The need for reconstruction arose from the aftermath of the last Favont Enwa war, which resulted in a significant economic downturn and recession. In an attempt to address the economic challenges and rebuild the nation, the authorities in Favont adopted a controversial approach. They captured and enslaved individuals who fell into certain categories, including the poor, the unemployed, and those receiving benefits. Additionally, members of the ethnic minority group known as the Ananans were also subjected to this enslavement.


The introduction of the Indentured Servant Code of Conduct responded to the large influx of indentured servants in the reconstruction period. This document aimed to establish a set of rules and expectations to govern the behaviour and actions of these servants. Its purpose was to ensure control, compliance, and productivity among the indentured servant population while providing a legal framework for their treatment.


The history of this document is deeply rooted in the economic and social context of Favont during the reconstruction period. It reflects the societal divisions and inequalities that emerged from the war and the subsequent economic recession. The capture and enslavement of individuals from marginalised groups, such as the Ananans, raises questions about social injustice and discrimination.


It is important to note that the history of the Indentured Servant Code of Conduct is subject to controversy. The forced enslavement of individuals and the restrictive nature of the code has faced criticism from various quarters. Scholars, activists, and human rights advocates have questioned the ethical implications and human rights violations associated with such a system.


The document serves as a reminder of the complex history and dynamics that shaped Favont during the reconstruction period. It highlights the challenges and injustices marginalised groups face and the lingering impact of these historical events on the present society. Understanding the background and history of the Indentured Servant Code of Conduct allows for a more comprehensive examination of the social, economic, and ethical dimensions of Favont's reconstruction era.

Public Reaction

The public reaction to the Indentured Servant Code of Conduct has been mixed, with varying perspectives and experiences shaping individuals' responses. Let's examine the different reactions from the perspective of indentured servants, home and business owners, and those who oppose the system.  
Indentured Servants
  • Mixed Feelings: Some indentured servants find solace in their basic needs for shelter, food, and care being met. They appreciate having a better home than they could afford as freemen and access to decent care and support.
  • Limitations and Frustrations: However, many indentured servants feel restricted by the code's regulations. The separation from their families without knowledge of their well-being causes emotional distress. The stringent restrictions on movement and relationships can be limiting and frustrating for those who desire more freedom.
  • Escaping and Punishments: The media portrays servants as content and willing participants, but the reality is different. Many indentured servants have attempted to escape, highlighting their dissatisfaction and desire for autonomy. The severe punishments of whipping, branding, and execution for escape attempts contribute to an environment of fear and control.
Home and Business Owners
  • Increased Availability of Labour: Home and business owners benefit from indentured servants' availability to fill previously difficult roles. Domestic servitude has become more common, with most homes possessing at least one servant. Many houses have been redesigned or built with designated spaces for servants.
  • Improved Appearance and Services: Areas of towns previously associated with social or council housing, where crime was prevalent, see an improvement in their appearance as all residents become indentured servants. Streets are cleaner, thanks to servants employed by the council. Companies can reduce labour costs, leading to cheaper consumer products and services.
  • Economic Growth and Environmental Impact: The increased availability of labour has significantly boosted industries and exportation businesses. The surplus of products contributes to economic growth. Additionally, decreased traffic due to servants' presence positively impacts the environment. Farms are investing more in sustainable farming practices, while power usage has been significantly reduced nationally.
Opponents of the System
  • Concerns for Human Rights: Some free individuals express concerns about human rights violations associated with the forced servitude of individuals. They question the loss of liberty and the denial of opportunities for personal growth and self-determination.
  • Efforts to Help Indentured Servants: Some individuals form groups to support and help free indentured servants. However, the government considers these groups threatening and labels them "terrorists." Consequently, such groups face severe consequences, including execution for treason.

Text, Legislative
Authoring Date