The Tale of Noma, Decima and Morta Myth in Favont | World Anvil

The Tale of Noma, Decima and Morta


The myth of Noma, Decima, and Morta is a central narrative in the Nom'ima'ta faith practised by the Ananan people. According to the myth, Noma, the Fate of Birth, weaves the tapestry of existence, shaping the paths individuals will follow from birth. Decima, the Fate of Life, accompanies individuals on their life journey, presenting challenges and opportunities that shape character and destiny. Morta, the Fate of Death, guides souls peacefully to the afterlife, emphasising the cyclical nature of life and the acceptance of mortality. This myth forms the basis of the Ananan belief system, highlighting the interconnectedness of life's stages and the role of resilience in facing adversities.


The spread of the Noma, Decima, and Morta myth among the Ananan people and neighbouring islands can be attributed to cultural exchange, trade, and migration. Over time, these myths became integrated into local cultures and belief systems, adapting to reflect each community's unique customs and traditions. The Ananan people played a significant role in disseminating the myth as they interacted with neighbouring communities. The myth spread throughout the region through travel and communication, contributing to its recognition and reverence in various cultures.

Variations & Mutation

The myth of Noma, Decima, and Morta has undergone variations and mutations in different cultures. In Enwa, the faith retains the core myth while incorporating traditional symbols, music, dances, and ceremonial practices. Niphan has merged Nom'ima'ta with Angelism, creating the faith of Elytis, which combines elements from both belief systems. Capra has developed a particular fascination with Morta, emphasising death and the afterlife in their religious practices. These variations reflect the cultural perspectives and beliefs regarding mortality and the interconnectedness of life within each community.

In Literature

The myth of Noma, Decima, and Morta has inspired various works of literature, including novels, poems, and plays.

  • Books
    • The Threads of Fate A gripping Ananan novel following the characters' intertwined lives as they navigate the challenges and triumphs orchestrated by Noma, Decima, and Morta, ultimately reflecting on the resilience of the human spirit.
    • These Mortal Whispers A collection of short stories and reflections on Morta's gentle presence, comforting individuals in their final moments, and how her acceptance nurtures the appreciation of life's transience.
  • Poems
    • Destiny Cycle A collection of Ananan poems that explores Noma, Decima, and Morta's intertwined roles in shaping individuals' paths and the cyclical nature of life.
    • Eternal Bind An Ananan epic poem that weaves together the stories of multiple generations, highlighting the interplay of birth, life, and death guided by the benevolent presence of Noma, Decima, and Morta.
    • The Guiding Hands A poetic tribute to the benevolent touch of Noma, Decima, and Morta, portraying their collective influence in shaping the journey of humankind throughout history.
  • Plays
    • The Tapestry This theatrical production brings the myth of Noma, Decima, and Morta to life on the stage. It explores the interconnectedness of the fates and their impact on the characters' journeys. The play incorporates symbolism, visual effects, and dramatic storytelling to convey the essence of the myth.
    • A Song In Self An Ananan play set in a mythical realm where the fates come to life, exploring the intricate relationship between Noma, Decima, and Morta and their impact on the characters' journeys of self-discovery and acceptance.
    • The Transcendence An Ananan play that delves into the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of the fates, questioning the nature of existence and the eternal quest for enlightenment in the face of Morta's embrace.

In Art

Noma Decima and Morta are significant in culture and feature in many pieces of art, film, and music. Here are some of the most famous examples:  
  • Painting
    • The Divine Weave A stunning painting depicting Noma delicately weaving the threads of life, capturing the intricate interconnectedness of human existence and the power of destiny.
    • Resilient Paths An evocative mixed-media piece showcasing Decima walking alongside individuals, illustrating the diverse experiences and challenges that shape their characters and forge resilience.
    • The Fates' Loom A stunning painting depicting Noma, Decima, and Morta gathered around a cosmic loom, weaving the threads of life, showcasing their interconnected roles in shaping human destinies.
    • Guiding Hands A captivating mural illustrating Noma's gentle touch cradling newborns, Decima guiding individuals through diverse experiences, and Morta providing solace in the arms of the afterlife.
    • The Eternal Trio A mesmerizing triptych showcasing Noma, Decima, and Morta entwined in a timeless dance, symbolizing the eternal partnership of birth, life, and death.
  • Sculpture:
    • Eternal Passage A captivating sculpture showcasing Morta cradling a soul in her arms, symbolising the gentle transition from life to the afterlife and the acceptance of mortality.
    • Transcendence A sculpture representing the harmonious collaboration of Noma, Decima, and Morta, embodying the cyclical nature of life and the eternal cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.
    • Cycle of Existence A mesmerizing sculpture showcasing a circular arrangement of figures representing birth, life, and death, symbolising the eternal dance orchestrated by Noma, Decima, and Morta.
    • Resilience's Embrace A powerful sculpture depicting Morta holding a figure in a compassionate embrace, symbolising the acceptance of mortality and the strength found in facing life's inevitable end.
  • Film
    • Destiny's Symphony A visually mesmerizing film that follows the intertwined stories of individuals whose lives are influenced by the fates, exploring the profound impact of Noma, Decima, and Morta on their journeys.
    • Eternal Passage A thought-provoking animated film following the journey of a soul guided by Morta, traversing through the realms of life and death, exploring the cyclical and transformative nature of existence.
    • The Tapestry of Time A visually stunning documentary exploring the origins and significance of the Ananan myth of Noma, Decima, and Morta, delving into its influence on culture, art, and philosophy.
    • Destiny's Veil A poetic exploration of how the fates' intricate weaving of destinies often remains veiled to individuals until pivotal moments when they come face to face with their purpose and path in life.
  • Song
    • Threads of Time A hauntingly beautiful song that tells the story of Noma's weaving, emphasizing the interconnectedness of lives and the inevitability of fate, resonating with listeners through its poignant melody.
    • Threads of Fate A hauntingly beautiful ballad narrating the story of individuals touched by Noma, Decima, and Morta, and the profound impact their interventions have on the course of life.
    • In Fate's Hands An uplifting anthem celebrating the interconnectedness of life's moments, inspired by the belief in the guiding influence of Noma, Decima, and Morta in shaping human experiences.
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