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Maverick Ashworthy

Maverick Ashworthy

Born in Good mead, part of the confederation of frontier fishing villages in Icewind Dale and raised all around Faerun, Maverick is the youngest of 6. He has three sisters and 2 brothers. He has Brown, curly hair, big ears like most halflings. Maverick is a happy fellow and smiles a lot, usually because smiling was the best way to go when he didn't understand the conversation.   From the day he was born he and his family have been traveling around the northern part of Faerun, near Icewind Dale, taking all sorts of odd jobs. Sadly for Maverick, he isn’t the brightest of the family and was therefore usually relegated to just driving the cart. His family did not trust him with trading goods and handling their coin.   At the age of 12 Maverick decided to pick up a instrument. Having nothing to do while his family were doing business. He became quite good with a violin, lute and bagpipes. He performed a lot for his family before they retired for the night. It was actually the only reason they still kept him around and the fact that he was a minor.   So when he came of age, the caravan passed through a small remote village called Favorsham. Here they told him to wait in the inn so that they could do their business. They left him some coin and his instruments, but never came back. This is were he still is, waiting for his family to return.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small, weak looking

Facial Features

Big ears, wide innocent smile

Identifying Characteristics

curly brown hair, brown eyes

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At the age of 4 his parents noticed he was slow on the uptake. They tried teaching him all sorts of things, but most never stuck. The only thing he seemed to be good at was playing a instrument.   His parents did use him to bargain for better prices.

Gender Identity





none. there were a few attempts at teaching him math and stuff, but none of it stuck. He taught himself how to play instruments.


He is currently the local Bard performing in the Inn in Favorsham.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Had his first fight trying to rescue a cow.
  • Mental Trauma

    Afraid he will never see his family again. He thinks they have been raten by wolves

    Intellectual Characteristics

    he is probably the dumbest person in Faerun. Has good instincts and is quick on his feet

    Morality & Philosophy

    Do no harm. Be as nice as possible.


    Hurting innocent people.

    Personality Characteristics


    Wants to reunite with his family. He is performing in the Inn in return for a room.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    Math is a no go. So are the more difficult words.

    Likes & Dislikes

    Likes people who talk about simple things. Likes food or music.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    Unable to assess the danger of a situation.

    Personality Quirks

    He talks with a rolling r


    Quite clean. He takes care of himself.


    Contacts & Relations

    Grandma - Brezira 80 years old. Dotes on Maverick because he is youngest. Tells people that he has a lot of potential if they give him a change ( not in trading ). Which usually falls in deaf ears.   Mother - Calfira - 58 years old A kind hearted woman who didn't want to leave his youngest son behind, but was outvoted by the family. Sylsira, Zalkas, Kaszor and Corki all wanted Maverick gone. In the end she agreed and left Maverick with an innkeeper named Jerry who seems like a bad person when you first meet him, but is kindhearted.   Father - Zalkas - 64 years old Fed up with Maverick considering he can't event count. Thinks Music is a waste of time and decided to leave Maverick behind. His wife was against it, but in the end Zalkas is the head of the family and what he says goes.   Eldest Sister - Sylsira - 28 years old Sylsira is the most intelligent and cunning person of the family. She was meant to be wed off to another family, but she herself decided against it. Usually her parents would be against it, but she is a great asset to have around. Sylsira ignored Maverick for the most part since he was of no value to her.   Middle sister - Eilienne - 27 Lives in Bryn Shander, Biggest city in Icewind Dale, where she married a guy she met during their travels. Eilienne married into a wealthy family, which suited her, since she was quite spoiled. Maverick's least favorite sister.   Youngest sister - Hana - 24 old Gifted with the ability to use magic since a young age. The family decided to keep Hana around. She got married when she was 21 years old, but instead of staying in the village where the man ( Isaac Merweather ) lived, they took Isaac with them. Maverick loved Hana. She always showed him some magic tricks and never got angry at him. Hana is kindhearted towards all people.   Isaac Merweather is the second oldest son of the merweather family and also a capable trader. Maverick didn't really like him since he took his sister from him.     Eldest brother - Kaszor - 29 ( set to be married ) As the eldest sibling of the family he is set to inherit his father's business ) . His greatest ally is Sylsira, his younger sister, who is quite cunning and probably smarter then him when it comes to their trade. Unlike his sister, Kaszor is a capable fighter. Kaszor is calm and collected and was always very patient with Maverick.   Middle Brother -Corki - 23 years old Capable trader, but not really interested in it since he isn't inheriting his father's business. Is still looking for his place in the world. Has a dislike of Maverick because of his free nature and his rude behavior towards others. Which Maverick doesn't even notice. Is planning on leaving the family near Waterdeep to look for his own way of life. Corki has spent more time training then his older brother and is a very skilled fighter

    Family Ties

    He has 5 siblings, 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Both parents still alive and so is his grandma. He thought they all loved him. They never got mad at him, but did sigh a lot around him

    Religious Views


    Social Aptitude

    His naitivity causes people to lower their guard around him, which usually helps him to get what he wants. He is also quite rude towards people even though he doesn't notice it himself. He thinks he is quite a nice person.


    Smiles a lot because he doesn't get most of what are saying.

    Hobbies & Pets

    Playing music on a instrument. He likes all shorts of animals except for wolfs


    Has a bit of a scottish tone in his voice. Rolling the R's


    Sylsira Ashworthy

    Sister (Trivial)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Sylsira Ashworthy



    Eilienne Ashworthy

    Sister (Trivial)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Eilienne Ashworthy



    Hana Ashworthy

    Sister (Important)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother (Vital)

    Towards Hana Ashworthy




    Hana always showed Maverick Ashworthy some magic tricks and never got angry at him.

    Kaszor Ashworthy

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother (Important)

    Towards Kaszor Ashworthy



    Corki Ashworthy

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother (Trivial)

    Towards Corki Ashworthy



    Maverick Ashworthy

    Brother in law (Important)

    Towards Isaac Merweather



    Isaac Merweather

    Brother in law (Important)

    Towards Maverick Ashworthy



    Wealth & Financial state

    not much. He was left with a few gold and 2 instruments.

    A 20 year old self taught musician. Spends his days performing in the local tavern of Favorsham to earn a room for the night, waiting for his family to pick him up. Too naive to figure out he was left behind.

    View Character Profile
    Chaotic neutral
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    His mother used to call him her most special child. Which he took as a compliment.
    The north, near Icewind Dale
    Hana Ashworthy (Sister)
    Kaszor Ashworthy (Brother)
    Corki Ashworthy (Brother)
    Current Residence
    Brown Curly
    3,5 ft
    Known Languages
    Common, Halfling


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