Nongdao Revolt

I have never been as scared as the time when my father revolted against the officials and the military were placed to force us from our island. Many of the village's farmer had already been tired of the quotas the government wanted them to fill, so tension against the officials were already high.
When the military came, my father and the other farmers had already readied whatever tools they could use as weapons. Knowing the government wanted every last grain of wheat my island had produced, some of the farmers had already given enough grain for their families to take with them, whenever they would be forced to relocate, and the rest was spread onto the floor in the granery.
— Wei Chen
  The Nongdao revolt 农岛起义 is probably one of the smallest known revolts in Feidao's history. Not that it had been the only peasant revolt against the officials who declared relocation of populations on island, but it is the one that Chen experienced himself and felt the consequences of.

The Conflict


The Finding of Yujin 羽金

At the time when the first metal of Yujin 羽金 was found, the government issued a degree that all islands should be investigated to find more of the metal. This was a special agent bureau of scientist that conducted this investigation, and travelled to several island.

The first time that the Nongdaoren 农岛人 heard about this, was when multiple Qibolin arrived to the nearby mountain islands. Luckily, the Nongdao 农岛 came into contact with the Shantoudao 山头岛, and several islanders jumped over to Nongdao. They told the Nongdaoren 农岛人 that the government wanted them to relocate so that they could mine the island, and warned that they could be coming to Nongdao 农岛 to mine as well.

Not long after and true to the Shantoudaoren' 山头岛人 word, a scientist from the agent bureau of scientist came, disgused as a neighbouring islander. He began tranversing the fields with his weird instruments. Many Nongdaoren were suspicious of him, but did not intervene. The scientist found metal in the ground and left the island with the evidence. Only weeks after, the first official came and degreed that all people of Nongdao 农岛 had to be relocated, no explaination were given.

The people of Nongdao 农岛 thought this to be optional, but was quick to discover this was not the case.

The Forced Relocation

When the people of Nongdao 农岛 did not move from the island, more officials came and told them, that if they were not to move, the government would move them by force. This did not sit well with any of the familes, who knew little else than Nongdao 农岛, and they agreed to rebel this decree. Chen's father was one of the spokespersons who lead the front of the rebellion planning.


Less than a month after they told the officials no to the relocation decree, the government sent in armed forces, not knowing what the extent of this rebellion could lead to.

Meanwhile, the farmers had prepared two different approaches to their rebellion. The first part was to take the women and children away from the island, so that they would not be harmed. The families gathered enough money for the women and children to take the Qibolin, and go to the nearby island, but even the women refused, and instead stayed in the houses.
The men then tied themselves to the buiding, but had saved anything that could resemble a weapon, hidden near them, in case they needed to project themselves.


The battlefield became the village's square. The military had arrived to what seemed an empty island, but as soon they approached the village, shouts were heard. "Let us stay.", "undo the relocation decree". All the villagers, except for mothers and children, had come out and shouted. The shouts only became stronger when they saw the military.

A leader of the military told the villagers to get up and come willingly. This was refused and the military started drawing weapons. They got close to the villagers and threatened them to stand up. It was this moment that one of the farmers took up a pitchfork and tried to prevent a soldier to enter one of the houses. The soldier took it as an aggression and immediately shot the farmer.

Then chaos happened, and the villagers took up weapons in fear, and to protect themselves, which further aggravated the soldiers.

Several villagers and two soldiers died during this conflict, the villagers surrendered, and those who partook in the confrontation, were sent to prison.

The villagers who hid in the houses, were pulled out and forced on a Qibolin, where they were relocated to different places.
Conflict Type
Start Date
21 AUD Wuyue 5
Ending Date
21 AUD Liuyue 21


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Aug 13, 2024 22:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor villagers. They didn't really stand a chance. The quote at the beginning really adds to the emotion of the article.

Aug 18, 2024 08:06 by Secere Laetes

Unfortunately, it was more of a small revolution, especially with deaths after the arrest. But it was nice how the peasants actually wanted to get their wives and children to safety. Perhaps this would have been better in a way, at least they would probably have been able to take more with them.