Hjalmir Settlement in Felidra | World Anvil
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Hjalmir is a City-State in the Barthal Tundra, on the norther coast of the Dragonmaw Sea. Hjalmir is a reinforced, fortress-city, most known for it's feared Reavers. It is a raiding-based athiestic meritocracy. The city is run by a council of fifteen Jarls, who are chosen from among the most skilled Reavers, especially those too old or wounded to continue to raid. The people of Hjalmir have laws, but they are more of a loose code, save for one all-important rule. "To take another's freedom is worse than taking their life.". As such, they have no prisons, no slaves, and no dungeons. Anyone who cannot be trusted to be let free is slain. The city has a wide mix of races, although only the orcs and Hjalmari are actually native to the area.


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