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01 —Dern Market Festival

Rewards Granted

This Session took place on Bleday, the 15th of Orastanna (02/15) which is the middle of Spring.   After competing in various contests, you won three invitations to the Duchess's Banquet.

Character(s) interacted with

You met several members of the Clothier's Guild, including Guildmaster Brock Taylor and his wife Isla, amd the dwarf Bretna.   You also spoke with Mara, who was running the food stall and Ainsley the bartender, who are from the Innkeeper's Guild.   Additionally, you met with the veterans who were running the military contests (archery, wrestling, etc), who told you about a competitive wrestling ring at the Dog & Rose Tavern in the evenings.   You briefly met Asha, one of the priests serving Phaerean in the city.   Furthermore, you spoke with refugees from Dolmar, who you will be helping get back on their feet, starting by sponsoring a few to join the Clothier's Guild.


New possible goals for the party:   (on the 20th) Attend the banquet at the castle (and possibly petition the Duchess on behalf of the Dolmaringan refugees)    (on the 22nd) Met at the Guildhall with Brock and the refugees for their demonstrations.
Report Date
17 Jan 2021
Secondary Location


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