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Ah! Dern! Rain-lashed and proud, Dern stands at the mouth of the Donre, a gleaming gate to the sea. From the wide, mansion-lined avenues of Dukesgate to the rowdy taverns of Rogues' Alley, almost anything can be found in Dern. But beware of the intrigues of the court and the secrets that dwell in the shadows. Who knows what's waiting around the corner.
The City of Dern sits at the mouth of the Donre River. It has an excellent natural harbor, which allows it to be a major center of trade.

Castle Dern

This is the ducal residence of Dern. It is essentially a a fortified palace. In front, there is the Castle Plaza, where the Duchess or Duke addresses the city.

Castle Park

This is a greenwood in the center of the city, dedicated to the gods and maintained for the "betterment of the people of Dern." It also has a number of public gardens and fountains, and it generally a place of leisure and relaxation. Some public festivals take place here or in the Castle Plaza nearby


This is the posh, wealthy neighborhood of Dern- the nobility, wealthy, and the fashionable live here.


The majority of Dern's religious buildings and institutions are located here. The Great Plaza has the City Temple, the most important religious building in Dern, at its center. The City Temple has shrines to the five First Gods and an altar to Alku at its center. Smaller shrines are located around its walls to lesser gods and heroes. Beneath the plaza is the City Catacombs, or the City of the Dead, which is the resting place for most of the city's dead.


Here, the families of the ducal army and navy have made their home, in order to be closer to their loved ones in the army. Westgate is also a hub for shipping and smuggling, with its many docks further from the main import offices.


This is the neighborhood where the up-and-coming, well-to-do but not quite "it" crowd live.

Navy Docks

This is the district that houses the military buildings and barracks, for both the army and the navy. Parts are a bit rough around the edge, but for the most part, it's a respectable part of town.  


This neighborhood used to be all wooded along the river, however, with the expansion of the city, it has been developed. It's a bit mixed, but is a favorite area for elves to live due to the number of trees and open spaces still in the area.

Three Bridges

This is the central part of Dern, and is home to many of the important civic buildings, such as the City Watch Headquarters, the City Hall, and many guildhalls. There are also a few taverns here, but they cater mostly to dignitaries and merchants from abroad.

University Park

The University, its great garden, and the surrounding area is called the University Park. Many different shops pandering to University students and professors are located here, and it's where most of the magical shops are. Booksellers, calligraphers, and such suppliers are comon here. The University itself takes up several blocks.

Northgate, Five Hills, & New Town

These are the areas where most average people live. Shopkeepers, innkeepers, artisans and regular, common folk make up the most of the people here. Shops here tend to be mundane, but a few might have healing potions or the like. Newly arrived visitors (but generally not nobles or other notables) often stay in this area's numerous inns, taverns or guesthouses.

Rogues' Alley

Rogues' Alley is the seediest part of town, full of thieves' dens, murderers and other unsavory people. If you have stolen goods, it's the first place to find a fence... Just make sure to be cautious, who knows if the person you're talking too can be trusted. The City Watch rarely patrol here, because it's so dangerous.


This district outside the city walls is home to the newer members of Dern society, or those who moved out of the city proper in search of a larger home or a fresh start. A lot of refugees from the south end up here, fleeing persecution at the hands of the Midean Empire.  


Southfields provides most of the grain for the city, and is composed mostly of farmers. While it is technically part of the City, it also is a bit seperate.


  • City of Dern
    A City Map of Dern
  • City of Dern Road Map
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