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Donn Pass

The Donn Pass is the main path between the East and the West of the Tural Continent. It is a wide valley between the Hrothan Mountains to the North (home to the Dwarven Kingdoms of Hrotha and Darelia) and the Iron Mountains (home to the Dwarven Kingdom of Iron and Goblin Kingdom of Glenflud, as well as the Gnomish Republic of Zannost). It is controlled on the western side by the Duchy of Dern and the eastern side is an unclaimed wilderness. The road that goes through the pass leads north to the Halfling realms, bounded on the south by the desert to the south, which is home to various Orcish tribes.   There aren't any villages in the Donn Pass, the only settlement is a Monastery of Phaerean, which offers aid to travelers in need. There are a few farmers and herders in the area, but in it is a very lonely area. Additionally, its western edge, forested as it is, is cared for by various druids.  


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