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The Schism of the Elf-kin and the Founding of the Realm of Telysa

When the world was young and gods still walked the land before the gods shook the lands and boiled the seas, the elves of the mortal realm lived in harmony with each other and had close relations to their Eladrin kin in the fey realm. They lived in the vast forests of the north and were ruled by the wisest and most learned of their kin. However, such peace could not last and at the beginning of the God Wars, the elf-kin split into several tribes. Some became sworn to the spirits of the forests and became Wood Elves; yet others migrated into the depths of the Underdark and became known as the Drow or Dark Elves, in service to Lolth the Spider Queen; while those elves who retained close relations with their Feywild brethren became the High Elves, who secluded themselves and devoted themselves to the pursuit of wisdom and power. Some of the High Elves swore their loyalty to the various gods and spirits of the skies, becoming Astral Elves, who are among the most revered of the Elf-kin, as well as the most rare.

The High Elves founded the kingdoms of Accra and Etharia and enforced a strict hierarchy between the different sects of elves within their woodland sanctuaries. As time went on, the Wood Elves chafed under the tyranny of the High Elves and a great band of the discontented set out into the greater world in search of a new home that they could call home. They wandered far and wide in search of a new homeland for decades, led first by a wise Druid named Telennia. Allarion, Telennia’s husband, was a powerful warrior renowned for his use of weapons and his unwavering devotion to his wife and people. They had one child, a son named Telarion who learned from both his parentsd to use his strength and wisdom to protect both his people and nature. When Telennia and Allarion were killed by humans in an act of the utmost treachery, Telarion took up his father’s glaive and his mother’s oath and continued the search for a new home for the woodland folk. For many more years, the elves wandered, led by the young Telarion, never finding rest as the world was being torn apart by the ravages of a celestial war. Finding a temporary place for his people to rest, Telarion set off alone into the world in the hopes of finding a sanctuary for his kin.

So it was that during his long sojourn, he went into a forest to pray and meditate, and he fell into a trance in a wide meadow, next to a unnaturally still lake. Dozing there, Telarion dreamt of a great city, that would be one with the land and forest as if grown from the trees themselves, and when he awoke, he was greeted by the figure of a willow-maid before him. The dryad smiled at him and placed a crown of leaves upon his head, bowing slightly. “Greetings, child,” said she, “I sense your hurt and longing, the grief and weariness in your heart, and invite you to join my sisters and me in our dances, to heal yourself in our glades.” Enchanted, Telarion let the willow-maid lead him to an island in the lake, to a circle of trees where many forest spirits were dancing. He joined in their revels for the night and as the dawn broke, he asked them if he could bring his people to the forest. The chief of the spirits took Telarion by the hand and bound him and his people in an oath to protect the forest and all its inhabitants from the incursions of those who meant the forest harm in exchange for the right to dwell in the forest. The spirits helped Telarion found his realm, called Telysa, and his people built a great city along the shores of the lake which they named Telya, and they names the lake the Mere. The island where the oath had been sworn became the seat of power, and all of Telarion’s successors, chosen by the forest spirits from among the strongest and wisest elves, have held their court beneath the watchful eyes of the forest spirits.
Date of Setting
The God Wars and the Fracture
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